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Frederick the Great
Page 1
Achtung! Collectors: If you would like to see a video of the life and times of the great King Frederick Of Prussia, click here.



DESCRIPTION: This most famous
portrait of der Alte Fritz is by the period painter Anton
Graff, 1736-1813. This is a re-creation of his work produced by the
Rosenthall Company, founded in 1889. It quickly became the leading
exporter of the finest and most elegant dinnerware and figurines of its
time. Frederick II, 1712-1786, was known as Frederick the Great, King of
Prussia, 1740-1786. He was also known as the father of the Prussian
military. During his reign the military went from just another force in
Europe to a true state-of-the-art world power. This wonderful portrait
measures 9 ½" x 12" and the original frame is 14 ½" x 17
and about 2" deep. The back of the porcelain bears the imprinted seal
of Rosenthall with the descriptive information about the artist. This
Anton Graff study is exactly like the one given by Hitler to his pilot,
Hans Bauer, in the end day of the Third Reich.
PRICE: $2800.00
DESCRIPTION: This miniature painting on porcelain of der Alte Fritz is one of the most magnificent ones we have ever encountered and also one of the largest of the miniatures. This item rests on a wonderful
rococo frame and stand. It is a fine painted-from-life rendition by Anton Graff of the Prussian King
at age 70. This is an interpretation of the famous painting that Adolf Hitler gave to his personal
pilot, Hans Bauer, in the last days in the Berlin bunker. Traveling as historic researchers through
such places as Pottsdam and particularly the Fredrick-the-Great collections at Sans Souci and the
New Palace, we have never seen better. The porcelain may be Meissen, but all marks at the back
have been removed for some unknown reason. This undoubtedly was war loot and probably came
out of some regal collection of Prussian treasures. It is indeed a museum piece extraordinaire. The
frame is bronze with outer floral design, while the inner frame is silver gilt over brass with completely different floral and fauna trim. At the top is the traditional seashell as often used on royal
appendages. The separate stand used to hold the frame upright is bronze with a wonderful panoply
of militaristic gear, armor, helmet, eagles, ram, pikes, halberds, swords, battle axes, shield, horn
for summon to battle, flags (standards), etc. Both the stand and folding upright are marked 398 and
there is a Star-of-David design at the back??? There has been a museum-quality repair at the
back of the standard or it seems to be. The frame is 9 ¼" high from the top of the seashell to
the bottom of the entirety and is 7" wide. The stand is 5 ¾" wide at the widest point
and the portrait is 12" high when mounted on its stand. This is a thing of rare beauty besides
being a very rare and historically important treasure from German nobility and aristocracy.
PRICE: $3,800.00
(SEATED) (Item FRED 1-5)
DESCRIPTION: This figure of der Alte Fritz, the historically beloved German King is in
perfect condition throughout. It is definitely of Meissen or Allach quality; "A
Germanphile's Dream." It was produced probably in the 1930s by the old firm
of Scheibe Krister of Scheibe-Alsbach in Thuringia, Germany. Founded in 1838 the mark is an "S" with two spears going through it. The Prussian King
is shown seated in a decorative chair probably at Sans Souci in Pottsdam after the Battle of
Torgau in 1760. In his left hand is a letter probably from d'Argens or Voltaire and in his right he clutches his ever-present cane. This
is a marvelous porcelain sculpture with vivid colors and the historical likeness
is realistically captured. This is a great addition to a first-class collection of
Germanic relics.
PRICE: $1,150.00
DESCRIPTION: This item is enough
to turn the head of any true "Germanophile". It is a wonderfully
framed actual letter from the Prussian King. Seldom is a whole letter
found from "der Alte Fritz" himself, dated 1746. This letter is
in perfect condition and consists of 11 hand written lines from Fredrick
himself. Framed with it is a great 50-year-old color print that is a
wonderful likeness of the old warrior dressed in his Prussian military
uniform. The print is 7"x 9", while the letter is 6 ½" x
8". The gilded frame is 20" x 24" and is in perfect
large-format book on the subject of photos of Fredrick the Great, of
Prussia--"der Alte Fritz," as his soldiers knew him. This book
measures 13" X 9 ½" and is 1 ½" thick. It was presented
in 1944 as a second prize for shooting in the service office of the
Reich's Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Presented in Prague on the
11th of October 1944 and signed by the adjutant of the men serving
directly under Karl Hermann Frank, the successor who took over after the
murder, engineered by Britain, of Reinhard Heydrich. The book is 1/2 text
in German. The other half consists of pictures of the king from childhood,
his parents, and later pictures of his military career and his death
masks. There are 68 plates of paintings, medals, bronze and marble busts,
etc. They mostly measure 9 ½ X 7 inches and are very nicely presented.
This is a very rare book and for the collector of Fredrick of Prussia,
they are a treasure found!
PRICE: $850.00
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