We Wish to Buy!!!

We wish to buy SA daggers as well as SS daggers with chain and unchained; Hitler-connected items such as silverware, signatures, personal items, and also items from other important Third Reich personalities. We also want to buy examples of Third Reich art such as paintings, bronzes, statuary, etc. We are also often interested in making trades for these items if the trade item is important enough.

A Limited Liability Corporation


Prior to placing an order, please complete our Terms and Conditions form. You only need to complete this form once; if you already have a completed form on file in our office, you do not need to complete the form again.Thank you!



This is our specialty! Be sure to see the links below for various categories. We are continually adding items here, so we recommend that you check these pages often. We are actively buying items like this for resale. We also consider trades for quality relics. THE BEST TIME FOR CALLING: I am open for business from 10 AM until 6 PM EASTERN TIME. (If you are outside the continental U.S. please be mindful of these calling times before dialing us - - Thank you.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our email has changed to teutonia@windstream.net


Third Reich
This is our specialty! Be sure to see the several links below for various categories. We are continually adding items here, so we recommend that you check these pages often. We are actively buying items like this for resale. We also consider trades for quality relics. Call or write us. Best time: 10am - 12 noon and 9-11 PM eastern time.


Popular collectables in 1935; and popular now!

Please send all email inquiries to teutonia@windstream.net. Thank you from the management of Germania International, LLC.


We Wish to Buy!!!

We wish to buy SA daggers as well as SS daggers with chain and unchained; Hitler-connected items such as silverware, signatures, personal items, and also items from other important Third Reich personalities. We also want to buy examples of Third Reich art such as paintings, bronzes, statuary, etc. We are also often interested in making trades for these items if the trade item is important enough.

Adolf Hitler (General items)


1936 Olympics and Sports

Rare Items Signed by Hitler


N.S. Toys

Adolf Hitler Besteck (Silverware, Flatware, Tableware)
and Tablecloths

SS Daggers and Swords


Tableware of the Third Reich

Watercolors by Adolf Hitler


Third Reich Music

Full Hand-written Letter by Adolf Hitler


Third Reich Art and Architecture

SS-Allach Porcelain Dinnerware made for Adolf Hitler


Antique Depictions of Adolf Hitler

SS Allach Porcelain


Adolf Hitler's Reich Chancellery

SS Führerschule Castle Wewelsburg

The Netherlands (Third Reich Holland)

Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

Special Eva Braun Offering

General National Socialist Subjects: Part 1

Axis Powers

General National Socialist Subjects: Part 2

Fascist Italy

Hermann Göring--Special Acquisition

Hermann Göring


Presentation Porcelain Belonging to Hermann Göring

National Socialist Songbooks


Göring's Letter to Winston Churchill

German Military Songbooks

Deutsche Christian Movement
The Artur Dinter Collection

Day Badges of the Third Reich

Dr. Joseph Goebbels

(Agricultural Production & Distribution)


Rudolf Hess

German Mess Hall Porcelain

Stickpins & Lapel Pins

Heinrich Himmler

Prints, Posters, & Paintings

Important Books in English

Personality Items

Winter Help Work

WWII Propaganda

German-American Bund

Technical Emergency Corps (Teno)

Original, Rare. Period Third Reich Tapestries

N.S. Veterans

Sturmabteilung (SA)

Original Flags/Banners/Misc.

SA Daggers

Original 1930s & 1940s Press Release Photographs

NSKK - National Socialist Motor Corps


N.S. Police

Pokale, Goblets, and Chalices

Daggers of the Kriegsmarine


Photo Albums

Wehrmacht (Das Heer)

German Red Cross

KZ Camps and Kaserne


Africa Corps

Important Sculptural Art


RAD and DAF (Labor)

Eagles--we love them

NS Government Officials & Diplomatic Corps

Hitler Youth

German Colonies


NSFK - NS Flying Corps

Bread Plates

Hunting & Shooting

Medallions by Karl Goetz

German Sports

Masonic Items

Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy)


NS Rare Books

New Books

East German (DDR) Items

See Our Original Period Rings

See Our Important Third Reich
Daggers and Swords

We at Germania handle genuine period relics. The exception is if we see the need to handle re-creations of items that in themselves are of such quality that we feel should be made available to our customers. The items above are all original, vintage offerings, while below, we present some of the very best and exquisite replica items available anywhere.

Quality Re-creations

Miniature Models of Importance

Art Executed by a German Master

Refurbished Helmets

Re-created Uniforms

Re-created Museum Items



Re-created Waffen-SS Cuff Titles

Reconstructed Medal Ribbon Bars

Miniature Daggers

Re-created N.S. Daggers


Old Germany flag

Otto Skorzeny (Madrid, 1972)

War Flag

Otto Skorzeny at a rally at the Sportpalast in Berlin, October 3, 1943



Contact Us
Please E-mail for any additional information you may need.

If you prefer, contact 'Germania' at PO Box 68, Lakemont, GA 30552
or call at 706.782.1668. If no answer, call cellular phone 706.490.3460

THE BEST TIME FOR CALLING: I am open for business from 10 AM until 6 PM EASTERN TIME. (If you are outside the continental U.S. please be mindful of these calling times before dialing us - - Thank you.)