Germania International, LLC maintains and presents to the collecting public a website that tries to be nonbiased and devoted to the promotion of a hobby very popular today; e.g., the collecting of material and documentation dealing with, in some cases, controversial subjects and personalities. Certainly with this in mind the section on the former German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, and the National Socialist Party must be viewed in the whole concept of study and preservation of contemporary history. No personage of the 20th century made such an indelible mark on world history. True to our role as an educational site rather than being merely an outlet for war memorabilia (surplus), we are definitely the advocates of academic freedom. Unlike most of the sites out there, we involve ourselves in the eminently historic importance of the relics offered. While acknowledging the tragedy that over 50 million people died in World War II, we will retain our status by refraining from making political judgments and comments. Observations that we make here and there may differ from orthodox opinions and must be viewed as historical perspectives that are forwarded and that may be at variance with accepted opinions that we feel are fallacious and purposely misconstrued for the sake of a political agenda. We do not in many instances agree with the standard uninformative and clichéd historical judgment that the victor of the war was “good” and the loser of the war was “bad.” Instead, we rely upon scholastic resources from many references, not necessarily politically correct, but academically investigated, nonetheless. This can be called our recognition of the American core values, no biased judgments, slanderous libels, or childish name-calling exist here as they do in most of the other sites that offer historical items. Our website, besides offering the best original relics, concerns itself with information to the best of our ability about the German military, the political system, and the man, Adolf Hitler. Because of the numerous contradicting, disjointed, biased, and confused and deficient interpretations that exist, few scholars are able to gather the facts and explain them coherently. They would prefer or would seem to be true that they would rather make psychological onslaughts in favor of the orthodox fantasies. Whether this failure is from lack of information, scholarship ability, or honesty is unimportant. What is important is that historical information be made freely available and gathered into our many pages that allow researchers and collectors to derive independent and possibly counter-distinct conclusions often from the relatively well-preserved writings of the actual time period. That is essentially why will leave a posting that might have such information listed, although the item may have been sold. The teaching of history in our opinion should convey only the facts and be free from political opinions, biases, propaganda, and other common tactics of distortion whereby frivolous claims are made in ignorance and perplexity. Every claim that is generally made concerning history should be accomplished by at least some documentation proving its basis. Only responsible scholarship and tutelage should be permitted. Those persons on various sites and especially forums, whose intention is to support particular political interests and agendas, should have their biased historical interpretations criticized for lack of proof. Many of these military forums are the real archetype of what we have mentioned. Wild and savage attacks are launched against sites where good items of historical interest are offered. These attacks that are also invariably against not only the items that are presented there, but these intellectually deprived individuals often make judgments about someone's alleged political outlook and so-called imagined affiliations thus creating previously nonexistent enmity. This is always been a tactic of boorish, know-nothing Neanderthals. It is of course possible to wax emotional when a historian sees so much lying in distortion, outright mendacious and perfidious garbage proffered in the name of political agenda out there today. I am sure that some of our writings reflect a desire to somewhat set the record straight. It sometimes is called “historical revision.” It is apparent that a true historian can take just so much of this journalistic retardation, while knowing full well that it’s a variance with the truth as he or she perceives it to be. So, dear reader, and in deference to a small minority of forum members who are sensible we have presented here our particular outlook concerning the subjects at hand. Freedom of expression is our most sacred institution given to us by our forefathers. Pray to God that we can keep it although it seems to loom closer that there are powerful sources out there that would deprive us of every freedom especially freedom of speech. We are dangerously close to being similar to the type of people who live within the totalitarian government of Oceania that exists in George Orwell's classic book “1984;” in his words, “endless war” (Iraq-Iran), “expedient lies” (WMD) and “ubiquitous social control” (Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Orwell in a frightful statement said, “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” The first step toward that future is the suppression of our first amendment. For many of the suppressors of truth and liberty the three slogans of “Big Brother” were:
“War is Peace”
“Freedom is Slavery”
“Ignorance is Strength”
Since we are disposed toward the opposite and despise the above slogans, we will continue to advance historical opinions and if it is said that we also have an agenda then we would prefer to call it in the words of William Wallace, “Freedom!” Vigorous debate insures the tradition and reverence of Americans to that sacred principle. A master of liberal philosophy, Voltaire (1694-1778) said, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
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