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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Bronze and Other-Metal Sculptures

Page 4



Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture
Back view

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture
The fallen crescent

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture
Richard the Lionheart

Bronze Sculpture
Salidin the Great

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Crusader Slays a Saracen Warrior (Item BRONZEMET 4-1)

DESCRIPTION: Here is probably one of the most magnificent bronze statues we have ever seen. In its portrayal it recounts a part of the sagas surrounding the historical Crusades when Christian knights waged a religious war against the Muslims in Jerusalem in a heroic attempt to reclaim the Holy Land taken by the Muslims in their quest to spread the Islamic religion. This was the first crusade that began in 1095 when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to pleas from Pope Urban II to go to war against the Muslim forces in the Holy Land. After the first Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states even as the Muslims in the region vowed to wage Holy War (Jihad) to regain control over the region. Unfortunately, deteriorating relations between the Crusaders and their Christian allies in the Byzantine Empire culminated in the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the Third Crusade. Have our people of the West ever acted in true fellowship and comradery? The answer, regrettably, is NO, and this is why we lose so regularly. There actually were six crusades all pretty much doomed to final failure. The Third Crusade was led by rulers such as the acting Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip II of France, and King Richard I of England (known as Richard the Lionheart). In September 1191, Richard’s forces defeated those of Saladin, who was the supreme leader of all the Muslim tribes. Richard never actually met Saladin, but he came to respect and admire him. He recognized his honor, courage, and chivalry. Saladin also was generous in respect for this strong king known as “Lionheart.” Nonetheless, the battles were bloody and no quarter was given. The sculpture we offer is one of the finest, most highly detailed bronze statues we have ever encountered. The graphic historical sequence is dramatic, to say the least. It depicts an English or German Crusader knight about to slay a Saracen warrior in close, merciless hand-to-hand combat. The most interesting thing about this scenario is that the sword that is now wielded by the knight is the Saracen’s own weapon that was obviously wrested from his hand. The weapon is a sword known as a scimitar, a distinct cutting weapon with a curved blade ending with a sharp point. This was the predominate Saracen weapon. The great broadsword carried by the knight you can see is still sheathed in its scabbard while he wields the scimitar. The Saracen tries to counter with his dagger, but it is obviously too late and he maybe doesn’t mind very much as he is about to go to Paradise and see the 72 virgins—a little, white lie that probably doesn’t really have any validity to it at all. However, theirs is a polygamous society, and most men will not have wives so this is a perk given by Allah when they die heroically. Nonetheless, the depiction of impending violent death is somewhat chilling, especially if one is imbued with refined art appreciation and historical knowledge. To most viewers, it will mean nothing, but to the lovers of history and aesthetics this bronze will be most genuinely appreciated. It was probably cast in the first part of the twentieth century. It measures about 12 ½ inches from the bottom of the base to the top of the knight’s arm that's holding the sword. The base is about 10 inches long. Incredibly, the piece is not signed, but was obviously sculpted by a master. The detailing, I must say again, is stupendous! Look closely at the chainmail worn by both of the combatants. So, here we have a remarkable bronze sculpture. Who will be the proud owner? Well, he might consider himself extremely fortunate indeed.

PRICE: $3,800.00


Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust
The Artist
Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust
The artist's signature
Mohawk Bust
The number made (30) - this is #9
Mohawk Bust
The artist's prospectus
Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust
Mohawk Bust

Mohawk” by James Gruzalski (Item BRONZEMET 4-2; AMINDIAN 1-9)

DESCRIPTION: This is an incredible bust by James Gruzalski who is best known for his dramatic sculptures portraying the American Indian and historical figures. His fascination and love for the Old West is exemplified in the faces of his bronzes. He has felt that much can be told about people through their faces. Gruzalski has had a gift which enables him to put life into his bronzes. We can see and feel through his work the strength, pride and spirit of the American Indian. His sensitivity in the execution of his sculpture has been nationally recognized as one of the leading artists of today .Gruzalski has won many prestigious awards at art shows around the country.  His works are exhibited in some of the finest galleries and are featured in many prodigious private collections. When Jim sculpts a figure he releases a very limited number of them and then it stops!  The wonderful sculpture we offer here is number nine of thirty ever made.  This particular sculpture has been sold out many years ago. There have been only a very few that occasionally show up in the best of auction houses and they invariably bring in the excess of eight to ten thousand dollars. The exciting thing about this bronze is that other artists have sculpted figures in bronze of American Indians but almost 100% of the time the depictions are of western Indians usually with eagle feather war bonnets upon their heads.  The only deviations noticeable might be Chief Geronimo of the Apache. We know of several sculptures of Sitting Bull of the Lakota Sioux but we have never encountered an accurate bronze of an eastern woodlands warrior like this superb bust of a Mohawk. These were the people called the Keepers of the Eastern Door. Dwellers of the Longhouse.  Historically had the Mohawks not joined the British under the influence of the famed Sir William Johnson then the United States (if such an entity ever evolved) would be a French speaking nation. The Mohawks along with some of the other tribes of the Iroquois Six Nations Confederacy carried the torch and tomahawk faithfully against the French in the French and Indian War.  The six Nations of the Iroquois are: Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, Tuscarora. The Mohawks were the most warlike of the nations of the Confederacy. Note the look of pride and confidence in the portrayal of this noble warrior of the eastern forests.

The sculpture is 20 inches high mounted on a wooden base this piece is worthy of a showcase all by itself highlighted with soft lighting.  It is a true representative of the spirit of the American Indian.

  You say they have all passed away
That noble race and brave!
That their light canoes have vanished
From off the crested wave!
But their name is on the waters
You shall not wash it out!
Within the forests where they dwelt we hear no hunters
But their name is on the waters and you shall not wash it out.” 

By Lydia Huntley Sigourney  1791 -1865

We make a one-time offer that is most reasonable and when doing that we sincerely hope this extraordinary art piece will go to an appreciative collector or gallery.




Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture
The castle of the Habsburgs on the base

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture
Italian-marble base

Bronze Sculpture
Bronze trim on the base

Bronze Sculpture
The priest with the sacrament

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture

Bronze Sculpture
Kauba's signature

Bronze Sculpture
Rudolf meets the priest and gives the cleric his horse in this beautiful oil painting.

Bronze Sculpture
In this painting, Rudolf has handed over his horse to the priest.

Bronze Sculpture
The magnificent statue by famed artist Carl Kauba

Magnificent Bronze Statue of Rudolf von Habsburg and the Priest by sculptor Carl Kauba (Item BRONZEMET 4-3)

DESCRIPTION: This is the important and beautiful subject taken from the Chronotron Helveticum written by Aegioius 1505-72. While out hunting, Count Rudolf von Habsburg came across an old priest taking the viaticum (Eucharist-communion) to a dying man. In a show of devout piety Rudolf hands over his own horse for the priest to ride. There have been many oil paintings that depict this selfless and charitable act on the part of this noble Habsburg Count, who became later the first German king of the Habsburg Dynasty. Because King Rudolf acquired lands for Germany, he is historically credited for holding the kingdom together. Although he was never officially crowned Holy Roman Emperor, it is recorded that his territorial acquisitions would later form the nucleus of one of the most powerful dynasties of Medieval times.

The Artist

This sculpture was crafted by the famed Austrian artist Carl Kauba, who was born in Vienna on August 13, 1865. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna under Professor Laufenberg and in 1886 he traveled to Paris for further study. His favored subjects were typically American Indians, cavalrymen, cowboys, and rough riders, but in addition to his American Old West subjects in bronzes, Kauba produced a lifetime’s worth of Austrian and Germanic statuary. His fascination with the American West was fed by the stories of the prolific German writer Karl May. In this sense, he had this in common with the young Adolf Hitler. May’s tales of western adventures were known throughout Europe. The intricate detail and the realistic forms make Kauba’s sculptures excellent examples of Viennese bronzes of the turn of the century. The piece we offer here is possibly at least one of the finest sculptures Kauba ever accomplished and it seems the legend depicted was possibly dear to his heart. The sculpture is like most of his masterpieces; small, but highly detailed and beautifully presentable. The measurement from the bottom of the marble base to the tip of the cleric’s head is 12 inches. The base is in two parts. The one below measures 8 ½ x 5 ½; the larger white marble base is 3 inches high and 7 ½ x 3 ½ inches wide. The bronze sculpture itself is 7 ½ inches high. It is a heavy bronze mostly because to its magnificent base that with the sculpture weighs about 21 pounds. The fact is that usually smaller bronzes capture much more detail than the large ones do. This is possibly one of the finest bronze statues that you might ever encounter. This a prodigiously important museum piece.



Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze
Hitler during the Kampfzeit era

Bronze Statue of Adolf Hitler (Item BRONZEMET 4-4; AH 29-10)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an interesting bronze likeness of the Führer Adolf Hitler depicted in the way he looked and dressed in the period during the 1920s to 1933 known as the “Kampfzeit.” After his becoming the German Chancellor, he wore a far different uniform. The detail of this bronze is quite good depicting him in the brown shirt with swastika armband while sporting his leather cross strap, and his riding trousers and boots. He stands with his traditional pose with hands folded at the belt-buckle positon. You can even just about see the tiny Nazi eagle pin on his necktie. With the bronze base, he stands about 11 inches high. The base is about an inch high. This piece is in true bronze. We cannot guarantee its authenticity as to period as we have no information about its origin. We bought it at a militaria show and the man we bought it from had no information about it, but the detail was so good looking we decided to purchase it. In any case, it is well done, maybe in the 1930s? But, if more recent, it would still be a welcome addition to a Third Reich collection.



Embassy Plaque

Embassy Plaque
German West Africa colonial flag

Embassy Plaque
Magnificent: See the Hohenzollern eagle in the large eagle's chest.

Embassy Plaque
Note the deepness of detail

Embassy Plaque

Embassy Plaque

Embassy Plaque
Kaiser crown

Embassy Plaque
Order of the Black Eagle

Embassy Plaque

Embassy Plaque

Embassy Plaque
Deutsches Reiterdenkmal and Lutheran Church during the civilized period when German West Africa was a German colony

Embassy Plaque
German West Africa Society symbol

Embassy Plaque
German West Africa Rifles

 Embassy Plaque from German West Africa Offices (Item BRONZEMET 4-5; GERCOL 1-19; KHISTORY 1-19)

DESCRIPTION:  Recently, we had the good fortune to acquire a magnificent Imperial Eagle plaque. We bought it from a gentleman in South Africa. Recent research has suggested that this gorgeous plaque undoubtedly was from the German West Africa official embassy. German West Africa existed as a German colony between 1884 and 1919. The plaque is constructed in extremely high intense relief. It measures 7 inches in diameter and is quite heavy. Two holes on either side of the plaque at three o’clock and nine o’clock indicate that is was once a door plaque. We believe it is cast in bronze and then heavily silver plated. The detail is so great that one could distinguish each line of the feathers. The eagle is decorated with the prestigious Black Eagle Order around its neck. In the center, you can see the familiar smaller eagle of the Prussian state under Wilhelm I. The main eagle is surmounted by the Prussian Royal Crown. Even the Black Eagle Order is clearly distinguishable as one views this wonderful plaque. This is surely one of the rarest Imperial relics that we have ever had the pleasure of purchasing. Surely, it is an extremely unusual Imperial treasure.

PRICE: $2,800.00

















Typical chainmail-supported helmet

Typical medieval battle axe

Two-handled broadsword

Typical chainmail

The use of chainmail

 Statue of Fully Armored European Knight (Circa 15th Century) (Item BRONZEMET 4-6)

DESCRIPTION:  Here we present a very fine, heavy, white-metal statue of a warrior knight in full chainmail armor. This stern-looking knight is ready for the business of warfare. He leans upon a huge backsword and in his belt suspended by straps is a lethal-looking battle axe. The very bottom of the staff of the battle axe is slightly broken away. On his back, his war shield bears two crossed oak leaves indicating the possibility of his being a German Teutonic knight. The chainmail on his body even extends to his feet. His helmet is the typical type of that age with neck coverage in mail. He measures 13 inches high by 4 inches wide at the shoulders with an additional 2 inches with the axe. It weighs 5 pounds, 9 ounces. The detail of this statue is nothing short of superb.

PRICE: $1,500.00






Priming the weapon






The royal medallion

Here is the great hornbook on bronze sculptures.

Note the center figure

See that Berman calls this sculpture "Early French Soldier"


Renaissance Arquebuz


See this bronze in the pages

 Awesome Bronze French Renaissance Soldier with Matchlock Musket by Émile Picault (Item BRONZEMET 4-7)

DESCRIPTION:  This is one of the finest action bronzes we have ever offered. The detail is fantastic and stands 23½ inches high in genuine original condition. The soldier wears the typical headgear of the mercenary fighter of the period around 1560. He is a servant of the king whose effigy is seen in a medallion the man wears on his chest suspended from a hanger around his neck. He wears a leather vest with a fully bloused shirt underneath. He has a gunpowder flask hanging by his side and he has long, military-style boots. The weapon he is holding is a matchlock. Developed in the 15th century, this is the firearm with the first mechanism or lock that was invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held weapon, and it was a device for igniting gun powder enabling it to fire. At his side our stalwart soldier wears a broadsword. When the firearm failed, the warrior would wield this the ultimate weapon of those turbulent times. In Germany these swords were called “Zweihander”(two-handed swords). The artist, Émile Louis Picault (1833-1915) was a famed French sculptor who was best known for works depicting allegorical and patriotic subjects–knights, soldiers, etc. He was known throughout Europe as a very prolific artist producing the finest of sculptures in abundance—more than 500 models during his long sculpting career. He began to show his artwork at the Salon beginning in 1863. He worked in Paris and signed the majority of his work as “E. Picault.” We are proud to offer this Picault masterpiece and its condition is fine plus. See this Picault sculpture in Vol. 4 of Harold Berman’s book Bronzes: Sculptures and Founders 1800-1930 on page 869 (figure 3314).

PRICE: $5,500.00. Whenever rarely found, this figure has brought much more and the sword is usually missing.


Nazi Art
The actual statue

Nazi Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art

Third Reich Art


Silver Statue by N.S. Artist Josef Thorak (Item ART 1-1)

DESCRIPTION: Germania International, LLC now enjoys the reputation of being unique because the articles of history offered here lead and vastly surpass all competitors’. We constantly strive to bring you, the connoisseur, the finest and, ultimately, the most rare and important of Third Reich objects. He we present what is without a doubt one of the greatest pieces of Nazi art ever offered on the web. This is a magnificent unique statue by one of the two most prolific and superb artists in N.S. Germany, namely Arno Brecker and Josef Thorak, both sculpting heroic-proportion Germanic subjects. These were the official state artists, reaching this coveted title through their supreme skill in sculpting the human figure in the form which God created them in. Thorak depicted men and women as nature and divinity intended. No one since Michelangelo ever came close to their work. It was truly heavenly inspired, indeed! This elegant example of Thorak's work is cast in pure 800 silver--not plated--but solid silver. Why silver and not bronze? Because it was actually an official state presentation to Germany's chancellor, Adolf Hitler. On the base one can perceive the words engraved there: "Nürnberg - Reichs - Parteitag 1937." This pilot piece was actually presented to Hitler himself by Josef Thorak in commemoration of the future unveiling of the same figure in gigantic proportion at the grounds of the party rallies. In several books on the art of the Third Reich, this very same silver statue is shown. Note the picture we have provided directly from the official German book, Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1937, Der Parteitag der Arbiet, Reich's Meeting in Nuremberg 1937, The Party Day of Work showing the actual silver figure we offer here (THE VERY ONE!). The words underneath the picture translate to: "'Victory of Labor' by Professor Thorak, an honorary gift to the Führer from the artist." This is without a doubt at least one of the most famous creations by one of the most renowned artists of immense majestic statuary. Thorak's work transcends the Nazi era and there have been many articles in books and magazines about this man and his immortal creations. The importance of this wonderful objet d'art cannot be overemphasized, not only because of the great fame of the artist or the prestige of to whom it was presented, but for the sheer beauty of the piece itself. Whether the later figure in huge proportion was shown in bronze or stone is unknown to us at this time. The sculpture was said to have been modeled from a picture of German Olympic gold-medal winner Tillie Fleischer, who was a favorite of Adolf Hitler. The figure was, we believe, meant to have been the largest central theme within the confines of the planned, but never completed, Sportspalast on the rally grounds. The figure also became the forerunner of the popular theme, which dominated the Third Reich art form. In the accompanying pictures of Thorak statuary one can readily see the Kunstgeist, or motif, valiantly expressed. The artist on behalf of the Ministry of Labor presented the nude figure personally. This must have been the absolute highlight of the artistic career of this extremely fine artist, born in 1889, the same year as the Führer, and not geographically far apart--Thorak in Vienna, Hitler a few miles away in Brannau. A sketch of this illustrious career and a history of his works will accompany the statue. As long as man aspires to artistic fineness and admires the human body in its finest portrayal, Josef Thorak's works will be remembered. Here is the chance to acquire the "best of the best" and to preserve it for posterity. At the end of the war many of Thorak's works were destroyed by the Kulturträger, "Bringers of Culture:" the equestrian statue of Frederick the Great, the model for the "monument to work," and the groups for the Nuremberg Marsfeld, so, in all probability "Sieg der Arbeit" in its final form was one of them. The Bekronung, group, discovered in his studio in Berlin was used by American soldiers for target practice. This figure has the artist's signature on the reverse of the base: 'THORAK.' The '800' silver mark appears with the moon and crown acceptance mark on the side of this base. The figure weighs about 45 pounds and is about 34 ½ inches high. The measurement of the black marble base is 10 by 7 ¾ by 1 ¾ inches. After the auspicious occasion of its presentation, the figure was taken to the Führerbau or "leader's building" in Munich. In this beautiful building in what was known as the Haupstadt der Bewegung or "Head City of the Movement," it stayed until looted by GI's. This building still stands today in the Königsplatz and is virtually unchanged except that the once-proud eagles and swastikas that surmounted the twin entrances are gone. This is without doubt one of the most famous creations by one of this world's most renowned artists. Although smaller than his other immense statuary it was important enough to present to the world's most powerful head of state. Nothing as important as this was ever offered on the web or ever in all probability ever will be, again. "Here it is in all its glory!" Be sure to look at the pictures from the Reichsparteitag book. Very seldom does a Hitler item of such artistic and historic importance ever show up. This is practically the ultimate for all reasons promulgated.


Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture

Nazi Art Sculpture


Bronze Olympic Statue by Famed Third Reich Artist Josef Thorak (See the text and images in the above-featured item.) (Item BRONZEMET 4-8; OLY 7-19; ART 1-2)

DESCRIPTION: So much did the fame of the statue that the artist presented to Adolf Hitler reverberate through the N.S. Reich, that the great artist Josef Thorak, who not only created the wonderful silver statute as seen in the above website position, but he created several small versions of it in bronze to be presented to various dignitaries both N.S. party officials and some important foreign admirers of his immortal art. As professional experts in this field, it’s a fact that over various times we had often heard from certain artistically “connected” persons who had survived WWII that Thorak had indeed made these little bronze statuettes, but in half a century we had never actually come across one and NOW a German collector after seeing our pictures informed us that he actually owned one of these and would consider selling it, but he knew how rare it was and it was a real task getting together with him but knowing how saliently important this piece is we just had to have it. The sculpture is artistically crafted in fine bronze and the figure and its marble plinth are in pristine condition. The statue itself measures about 12 inches from the top of the wreathed swastika in her hand to the bottom of the small rock-style formation that the lady delicately balances herself upon. At the back of this rock is the name Thorak. The figure is then seen mounted on a fine-grained marble plinth that measures three inches square and three inches deep (beautiful coloration!). Knowing these statues were presented to high party officials and admirers there is another little unexpected bonus. When the bottom of the figure and its marble plinth are viewed, one will perceive a bronze, wreathed swastika in high detail that is embedded into the granite. The German gentleman that sold the statute had installed a piece of felt cloth on the bottom of the marble plinth thus covering this bronze swastika and it stayed covered like that for many years. WHY??? Anyway, when he sold it he uncovered it and we are sure we would never have known it was there. We believe or at least theorize that the artist Thorak included this as a sort of extra testimony of his fervent belief in the ideals and artistic values imbued in National Socialism. Hitler and the great artists like Arno Breker, Carl Diebitsch, and Wolfgang Willrich all worked diligently to replace the degenerate sick Picasso garbage that prevailed in the Weimar Republic with the heroic, the extremely realistic scenes of workers in the fields and factories and the beauty of the Aryan man and woman. This statuette by the great artist Thorak truly depicts and personifies the classic expressive lines of very “special people”—Olympic competitors—and this lady must go to a very special person who in the German language would be described as a “ Kulturträger,” in other words, a collector of cultural and historically significant art.



Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great
Artist's signature

Frederick the Great
Marble plinth

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Fabulous Bronze Sculpture of Frederick the Great of Prussia by a Famed Artist (Item BRONZEMET 4-9; FRED 4-10

DESCRIPTION: We have recently obtained what I would consider one of the finest bronze sculptures of the famed Alte Fritz. The sculpture stands 14 inches high from the marble base. The base, in two parts, measures 4 x 4 inches and 3 inches deep. The king stands in his traditional pose while holding his walking stick and with his arm resting upon his back with fist clenched. Just below this arm you can see his sword. His frock coat and ever-present Prussian Star Order prominently stand out. He seems to be in a pensive mood and the depiction of his face stands out as his prominent feature. The sculpture is quite heavy, weighing about 14 pounds. It is probably cast in solid bronze as early 19th century bronzes are often found to be.

About Rudolf Kaesbach

GERMAN, 1873-1955 Rudolf Kaesbach was born in Munich, but studied and worked in Paris, Düsseldorf, and Brussels before settling in Berlin. He is renowned for his horse compositions, and created various models of persons of history of this form with a single man and a horse in motion. Since he was known for depicting the famous personages of Germanic fame, Frederick the Great (King of Prussia) was a favored subject. The Ernest Krass foundry often cast his bronzes after the other renowned German equine sculptor Albert Hinrich Hussman. This is certainly one of the finest conceptions of the great king.



Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statue and Statuette

Statuette of WWII Wehrmacht (Heer) Soldier on Motorcycle (Item BRONZEMET 4-10; SCULPTURAL ART 2-12; WEHR 35-16)

DESCRIPTION: This is a dramatic-looking spelter statuette of a WWII Wehrmacht soldier ("Kradmelder” [military motorcycle messenger]) mounted on his dispatch motorbike with (Exceptional) detail on soldier and bike, with a beautiful gray marble base. It's marked under rear wheel "128" and is marked on a plaque above front wheel "WH 652." The statue is in very good, near-mint condition. It measures 7½ x 8 inches. It's duly noted that this statuette is more than 80 years old and the depicted Mauser K98 rifle barrel that extends high above the soldier's back has survived all this time. Obviously, it was a much-cherished object in someone's collection. This is a fitting trophy to the nobility of the German soldier—the finest army ever fielded! Deutschland über alles!

PRICE: $1,750.00

88-b 600-12


Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini
Artist's signature

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Bronze Statue Mussolini

Spectacular Bronze Figure of Il Duce (Benito Mussolini) (Item BRONZEMET 4-11; IFAS 4-27; Special Items)

DESCRIPTION: This is not only a fantastic likeness of the Fascist dictator, but is a superior piece of ultrarealistic art in its own right, as well. To bring about a true image of a human subject in a painting is challenging indeed, especially in realism, but to create a subject in woodcarving or clay and bring out the character and nature of the person portrayed is a very lofty achievement, indeed. Remember, a finished bronze creation begins with a handmade (carved) template before it's cast, and therein lies the difference between a pleasing, noble masterpiece like this one, and a contemporary nightmare piece of degenerate trash (Picasso). The sculptor R. Panacea certainly breathed life into the man, Benito Mussolini. It was Il Duce that said: "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." He certainly lived by this quote and the artist Panacea brings this out in a vibrant, powerful way. Il Duce’s facial features clearly demonstrate the arrogant yet noble aspirations of this later-day Caesar.

The Bronze Statue

The sculpture is in solid bronze and stands 20 inches high and measures 9½ inches wide from elbow to elbow. The sculpture weighs 25 pounds. It 's mounted on a slab of beautiful Italian marble (what else?). The figure shows the ribbons and medals, and the flyer's badge. The patches and epaulettes that are seen are indicative of his special office of Il Duce (Supreme Fascist Leader). If there is another one of these in a private collection or in a museum anywhere, we would like to hear of it because we know where this one has been for the past 40-50 years. It is a very special art object and a museum worthy of possession; a one-of-a-kind treasure—extraordinaire!!!

PRICE: $5,500.00


Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Statue El Cid

Bronze Sculpture of Young El Cid Cast in the Highest, Artistic Detail (Item BRONZEMET 4-12; SPAIN 1-1)

DESCRIPTION: Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (c. 1043-10 July 1099) was a Castilian knight and war lord in medieval Spain and came to be known by the Moors as El Cid, and by the Christians as El Campeador. He was born in Vivar del Cid, a village near the city of Burgos. As the head of his loyal knights, he came to dominate the Levante of the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the 11th century .He reclaimed the city of Valencia from Moorish control for a brief period during the Reconquista, creating the independent lordship Señorio de Valencia from 17 June 1094 until his death in 1099. His wife, Jimena Díaz, inherited the city and maintained it until 1102 when it was reconquered by the Moors. Díaz de Vivar became well known for his service in the armies of both Christian and Muslim rulers. After his death, El Cid became Spain’s celebrated national hero and the protagonist of the most significant medieval Spanish epic poem, El Cantar de mio Cid, which presents him as the ideal medieval knight: strong, valiant, loyal, just and pious. From ancient chronicles "The Cid" was the all-time classic hero or in German could be described as "Die Übermensch" (superior man) and in spirit even today is considered the greatest hero of antiquity revered almost as a saint. The sculpture seems to portray him in deep thought about the destiny of his beloved Spain, yet he clings to the hilt of his massive sword, which he knew that the fact is that deadly combat would be the only thing that would bring about freedom for his beloved Spain. The sword might be "Tizona" or "Colada," the swords made famous with El Cid’s ownership at one or another time. It is most likely that he acquired these two swords later in his lifetime, but history records that both were massive weapons and the artist has shown one of them with such huge dimension.

The Statue

It stands 23 inches high with a marble base 1½ inches and 20 x 20 inches square. Our information that this was sold at auction some 45 years ago and this is somewhat borne out by inventory stock information on the backside of the base and reads:

Lot 37.
'The Young El Cid'.
Late 19th Century
School of Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington>
Bronze. 23 ½" high.)

Subject Details

The figure of the knight is seen wearing chainmail from head to foot. In addition, you can see he wears a metal cuirass and a typical close helmet of the early Spanish style. A 12th century epic poem by an unknown author seems to indicate that great sword "Tizona" was presented to El Cid as a reward for killing King Bucar with his sword, Colada. This is said in the saga “The Song of the Cid" written as a 12th century epic poem:

“He raised his sword Colada and dealt him a mighty blow . . . He cut straight through the helmet and slashed through everything else until the sword reached his waist Thus he killed King Bucar, the king from beyond the sea, and won the sword Tizona, which was worth a thousand golden marks."

So, here, seen here as a young man, is what should be considered a fitting remembrance of Spain’s national hero. May his life, his honor, and his glory inspire us to remember that history does count after all, and culture cannot be canceled. El Cid para siempre!

PRICE: $3,500.00




Kaiser Frederick III



Kaiser Wilhelm I



Kaiser Wilhelm II



Kaiserin Victoria


Set of Busts of the German Royal Family (Item BRONZEMET 4-13; KSTATUE 5-23)

DESCRIPTION: This is a wonderful grouping of four busts: Kaiser Wilhelm I; Kaiser Frederick III, son of Wilhelm the I; and the latter’s son, Kaiser Wilhelm II. Beside the latter is Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, Kaiser Wilhelm’s I loyal wife. Below, from the same artist, we are selling the Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck; and General Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the General Staff from 1859-1888. The meticulous detail is beautiful on these from the military honors on the uniforms to the jewelry of Kaiserin Augusta; and the faces are true to life. There is no maker’s mark. They weigh about 1 pound 3 ounces each so we believe they are nickel and not of base metal. They are about 7 inches high by a little over 3 inches wide which includes the wooden base. These are truly marvelous collectibles from a time of honor and grace, war and peace.

PRICE: $499.00 for the set


Statue Bust

Statue Bust
Otto von Bismarck

Statue Bust

Statue Bust

Statue Bust
General Helmuth von Moltke

Statue Bust

Busts of Otto von Bismarck and General Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of General Staff (Item BRONZEMET 4-14; KSTATUE 5-24)

DESCRIPTION: In the same artistic degree as the set of the Hohenzollern family above, and from the same artist.

PRICE: $125.00 for each


Bronze of German Soldier

Bronze of German Soldier

Bronze of German Soldier

Bronze of German Soldier

Bronze of German Soldier

Bronze Study of a German Soldier by the Known German Artist Fritz Paul Zimmer (Item BRONZEMET 4-15; WEHR 35-22; ART 18-30)

DESCRIPTION: You can walk all over a militaria show and see small bronze or metal busts of German soldiers, the majority reproductions, but you will find hardly a one by a successful German artist. Born in Germany he migrated after WWI to America and had a most successful career as a sculptor. During WWII he remained in America while his brother Richard joined the American army Now, you would think that he would not be inclined to make a bust of a German soldier, but he had enough admiration to create one as you see here. It's most detailed on a marble base and is in excellent condition. It's an impressive one foot tall with the base. As you can see, it bears his signature on the back. Zimmer’s work can be seen all over Europe and the states and his biography on Wikipedia is well-worth the read. This is not only a sound militaria collectible, but an artistic one, as well.

PRICE: $2,100.00*


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