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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Heinrich Himmler

Page 4






















1941 Directive Signed in Handwriting by H. Himmler (Item HH 4-1)

DESCRIPTION: This is a museum-grade document and a historical treasure. This is the actual (not a copy) of Heinrich Himmler's directive issued under the auspices of the general government and the police president in Vienna, Austria dated January 1941. Subject: The issuing of passes through the Reich's protectorates Bohemia and Moravia. The order comes with the express directive from Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the Deutschen Polizei Reichsministerium des innerin in Berlin (Himmler). The order basically is a further extension of an order from 28 January 1940, and notices that the permits for nonstop travel through the protectorates (for example using a shorter route) will not be issued. It refers to sealed carriages to be used only with special permit and these do not cover stopping for any reason. The police president takes issue with the order in certain aspects. He notes that some smaller police stations along the routes (completely against regulations) have issued permits. He then cites several violations and suggests reevaluation of the process. He brings forth an example of the hardships suffered by travelers having to make a detour of several hundred kilometers to avoid entering the protectorate, resulting in higher gasoline consumption and wasted time. The basic translation of the document was done by our translator and adviser, Willi. The order is countersigned by RFSS Heinrich Himmler himself in the usual green pencil over a stamp from his offices. The framing on this piece is incredible! Because it is so prodigiously important, it has received a very special mounting and because the document is double-sided we have framed it in double-sided glass, involving much careful artwork. Both sides of the directive can be seen. The frame is 32 x 19 1/2 inches. The document is 16 x 10 3/4 inches. It is all framed and matted with 100 percent acid-free museum-grade material. Since this was mounted originally in a German ring binder you can see the punch holes. This was the usual way to store important documents. A copy of Willi's translations goes with the item. It is duly noted that this is a unique, original document that portrays the tight inner workings and security measures of the German police establishment. This is extremely rare.













Order from Top SS Commander (Himmler) about Russian Propaganda Film (Item HH 4-2; SS 30-11; WAF 8-10)

DESCRIPTION: This is possibly one of the most interesting Himmler orders we have ever seen. It basically is an order to the general SS both Allgemeine and V.T. (Waffen-SS). It mandates that members of the SS should not attend the showing of “Battleship Potemkin” being presented at the Lichtspiel Theatre ostensibly because the film is derogatory and dangerous for viewing for our troops. The order has a file stamp through which Himmler hand signed his name in his traditional green pencil or green ink. It is dated 3 December 1938. There is another signature at the top that is signed over an eagle and swastika stamp that looks like the signature of Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. We cannot vouch for this one, but it if is then no doubt it was signed at the same time. The film traces the story of the mutiny in 1905 of the crew of the Panzerkreutzer Potemkin. The sailors rebeled against their oppressive Tsarist officers. It was written and directed by Sergei Eisenstein and in liberal circles it is called one the most influential films of all time. The film shocked audiences for not only its communist political statements, but for its graphic violence. Actually, Joseph Goebbels called Potemkin a marvelous film without equal. In the cinema world he said anyone who had no firm political conviction could become a Bolshevik after seeing this film. Himmler and his close followers didn’t see it that way, of course. However, the fact that was in fact allowed? to be shown throughout the Reich seems to be at odds with the present “orthodox” view of history of the 20th century. Yes, Himmler forbade his legions to view it, but in general the German public saw it and had mixed emotions. The order that is truly rare and historically important is nicely framed with a picture of the Reichsführer-SS and a copy of the ads for the film. The frame measures 33 x 16 1/2 inches. The original signed order measures 8 x 8 1/2 inches. All the items, pictures, and document are expertly matted and acid-free museum matting stock was used and nonglare glass was employed. In other words this is a great and historically important grouping beautifully presented.












Document Signed by Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-3)

DESCRIPTION: This rare document came from a grouping of such directives that showed up in an official file folder recently in Germany. This one refers and give direction to the outside Prussian state governments and interior ministry and to the Reich’s commissioner in the Saar Land and a whole shopping list of officials. The order has to do with passport regulations that must be altered by hand. The major change has to do with the words “not applicable” that must be omitted in the paragraph dealing with these passports. There is a translation of the content that goes with the document. This translation was done by our historical advisor. The order emanates from the RFSS (Reichsführer-SS) and Chief of the German Police in the Interior Ministry. This, of course, was Heinrich Himmler and he signs the order in his usual green pencil over his stamp of office. The order is framed very professionally with museum matting that is 100 percent acid free; special glass was also used. The frame measures 22 1/2 x 18 inches. The actual document is 7 1/2 x 10 inches and the picture of the RFSS is 6 3/4 x 10 inches. Here is your chance to acquire an original important document hand signed by the Third Reich’s most important official and the most important policeman of the era.














The Gestapo document concerning a Polish volunteer worker signed by Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-5) SOLD

DESCRIPTION: This is a document that concerns important issues about the use of Polish Civilian Workers who labored on projects of the German railroad system within and without the Reich.
  It originates in the office of the “Gestapo” Geheime Staatspolizei in Vienna and is sent to the attention of the Reichstadthlter in Vienna.  It was dated 7 Sept 1943 and it had the approval of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler who signs his name in the usual green pencil as was customary for him.  He signs it and then the stamp of Reichs security services (SS, Gestapo and SD) is made over the signature probably applied by Himmler himself.  An important document and quite rare it shows also an official stamp that certifies that is was received at the Bauhauseplatz 9 Sept 1943.About in the center is a penciled note that reads RFSS and this indicates that this would need the Reichsfuhrer’s personal attention.  Himmler was the complete dedicated bureaucrat and seldom did he leave even the most minute details of the important or semi important matters to his administrators alone.  Not even Reinhard Heydrich was able to avoid his scrutiny in all governmental matters.  So this is a good example of the SS Reichsfuhrers’ interventions in all official decisions.









A Thankful Appreciation Card from Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-6; POL 2-18)

DESCRIPTION: In June of 1936 Adolf Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as Reichfuhrer SS and completed the centralization of the various criminal police departments in Germany into the Reich criminal police office (Reich Kriminalpolizeiamt) Himmler appointed in turn Reinhard Heydrich chief of the secondary police main office (Hauptamtsicherheitspolizei); this office includes both the Gestapo and criminal.office of the SD and this also centralized the uniformed police forces, known as the order police (Ordnungs Polizei) under SS General Kurt Daluege. The card that measures 6 x 4 is framed contained in the frame is a picture of Himmler, dressed in the  Allgemeine SS uniform that he would have wore in 1936. The picture is not original. Please ignore the bluish cast to the picture. The close-up of his face is the actual tone of the picture. This is an ultra important document, in that it is an appreciation message from the Reichsfuhrer to some person for sending a letter or telegram to him congratulation him on his appointment as head of all the German Police. Considering the nature of the subject. This is a very scarce and prodigiously important document

PRICE: $2,450. 00













A Promotional Document for a Police Official Signed by RFSS Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-7)

DESCRIPTION: The document from Berlin in 1941. It is a prodigiously important document in that it went through the office of the Fuhrer and ReichKanzler (Hitler). It comes first from the Reichsminister of the interior who of course was Himmler and he signed it boldly in his usual green pencil. It is clearly marked with the stamp of the Chancellor and this being the Fuhrer through his offices and there is an official stamp. Proclaiming "in the name of the German people etc. etc.” and says clearly Fuhrer Hauptquartier  9th December 1941 authorized by Der Fuhrer and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler. It is for the promotion of Oberstabsapotheker Der Polizei Walter Schmidtgall.  To Oberfeldapotheker Der Polizei. This officer was a dispensing chemist within the ranks of the Police.  An interesting and obviously important document that has survived the awful carnage of war. It has been carefully preserved and is framed with special non-glare glass with acid free mounting throughout including the matting. The frame measures 21- 1/2 x 20 the actual document measures 8 x 11. This one has it all!



Letter from Himmler
Letter from Himmler

Letter from Himmler


Letter from Himmler Letter from Himmler Letter from Himmler Letter from Himmler Letter from Himmler

Signed Letter Sent to Heinrich Himmler from Reinhard Heydrich (Item PER 4-5, SS 34-2, HH 4-8)

DESCRIPTION: This is absolutely incredible.  Probably the best document from Heydrich and Himmler ever found or offered.  It is addressed from ‘The chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD’ who of course is none other than Reinhard Heydrich with address in Berlin at the Prinz-Albrectstrasse. It is addressed to the Reichsfuhrer SS and Chef Der Deutschen Polizei.  Heinrich Himmler the body of it translates to:“Please see enclosed two copies of letters from SS Brigadefuhrer Dr. Best addressed to me. I conferred with Dr. Best in Paris only in official matters.  A personal discussion regarding (our) the Reichsfuhrer’s decisions have been postponed to a later date.” Signed… Heydrich with a “Heil Hitler.” One small thing that we find utterly fascinating concerns the official stamp. Either Heydrich himself or a secretary in the S.D. headquarters made the mistake of stamping it upside down. Now if it was done inadvertently by Heydrich, well, so be it!  But if done by a member of his staff I am sure there was “hell to pay” when it reached Himmler!!  In the received stamp at the top of the page is a notation with a 79 and the initials of Heinrich Himmler certifying that he received it; this is done in green pencil as this was invariably the way Himmler signed these documents “THEN NOTE:” - -if you look at the offending seal you will see that Himmler makes a notation with a large green check mark with the famous pencil, showing that he is aware of this grievous mistake. This makes for a most interesting document outside the norms of history. This is about as official as it can get also and is a communication between two of the most important persons of the Third Reich. They don’t come any better than this one! They really don’t! By far the best clear, concise and extremely important SS directive that we have ever had the pleasure of presenting. The document has been professionally framed with museum precision with non-glare glass and special acid free matting.  The beautiful frame measures 13 ½ x 17 ¼.  The actual document is 8 x 9 ½.



Himmler's Camelot


Himmler's Camelot


Book: Heinrich Himmler’s Camelot
The Wewelsburg Ideological Center of the SS 1934-45
by Steven Cook and Stewart Russell
(Item HH 4-9 & AHN 4-8 & ENGBOOKS 1-2 & CASTLE 1-5)

DESCRIPTION: This is a sensational book that should be a must for any serious SS collector. We felt that it was imperative that we handle it. It is the saga and history of the WewelsburgCastle (also known as “Himmler’s Castle”) from ancient times to the present day, and the roles of the SS, the Ahnenerbe, Heinrich Himmler, Karl Weistor and other personalities. It further explains the surrounding geographic area of Westphalia and its strategic importance to the National Socialist philosophy. Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler spearheaded a quest for Germany’s forgotten ancestral heritage and documents of its natural pagan culture. Heinrich Himmler’s Camelot also gives a rare insight as a high quality pictorial of the people, the architectural plans and castle rooms, including the north towers ‘Valhalla’ and “Hall of Pillars” with the “Black Sun” as well as the nearby Externsteine (rocks of the sun) and Hermann's monument (The Battle of Teutons vs. Roman Legions) plus much, much more material to thrill the hearts of true Germanophiles.

* Over 200 B & W photos, plus numerous illustrations and documents all available for the first time in an English language publication.
* Plus a 16 page color section with 31 photographs, including a rare never before seen, full page of Heinrich Himmler’s death mask.
* Contains a fold-out showing a unique design of the twelve Knights of the Round Table.
* A complete story of the Castle's history, architecture, renovation and décor, administration wartime fate, secrets, and the extraordinary fascination that appeals to thousands of visitors every year.
* Behold! The coming of a National Socialist Arthurian Court, the Sword Excalibur, Sir Lancelot and Merlin including an index, glossary, reference notes and informative appendices about the structure of the SS.
* 256 pages, hardbound with beautiful artistic dust jacket and an 8 ½" x 11" format.
* Read the facts about what really occurred at the Wewelsburg based on 20+ years of research by Stuart Russell, historian, author, filmmaker, and contributor to numerous topic related books. Now, with a deeper analysis in English with Stephen Cook, artist, historian, author and publisher.  Learn of Germany’s cultural re-awakening, Weltaschauung, the role of the Christian Church, academic studies, scientific evidence, and the personalities involved.
* A ‘must have’ for military historians, collectors, philosophers, theologians, artists and Germanophiles!

Second hand copies of this hard to find book are sometimes avaiable on the internet for prices of around $120.00 to $195.00 USD. Having been at this castle several times I can say it is a real experience and should not be missed by serious historians. Germania International has a special arrangement with Stephen Cook the author, so the book is available from Germania International, LLC for $108.50 and this price includes postage and insurance in the United States.



Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Upper Left: Young WWI pilot, Hans Baur
Below: The famed Condor aircraft converted for Hitler and flown by Baur

Himmler Book
Himmler Book
The dedication
Himmler Book
Note: Ahnenerbe publication
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
The May Pole
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Hans Baur with The Fuhrer
Himmler Book
Baur with Waldi
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Early days
Himmler Book
Hans Baur
Himmler Book
With Lufthansa
Himmler Book
Himmler Book
Baur after release from Russian captivity
Himmler Book
Baur interviewed by press after release

Signed Gift Book from Heinrich Himmler
to SS Oberfuhrer Hans Bauer, Hitler's Pilot
(Item HH 4-11 & AHN 4-11)

DESCRIPTION: This is wonderful! An SS Ahnenerbe book presented to the Fuhrer's personal pilot on Julfest 1939. The presentation wording is written in fine calligraphy probably by an Ahnenerbe artist and hand signed by the Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler himself. This is a virtual treasure to the SS collector and the collector of Deutsches Ahnenerbe material.  The inscription is SS Oberfuhrer Hans Baur zum Julfest 1937 Mit Den Besten Wünchen 22 12 1937 and the signature of the Reichsfuhrer SS to SS Oberfuhrer Hans Baur on Julfest (Christmas Week) 22nd Dec. 1937. An SS Oberfuhrer is equivalent to the Wehrmacht Oberstor (Lt. Colonel). Later, he was promoted to SS Standartenfuhrer (Full Colonel) and in 1944 he was elevated to SS Gruppenfuhrer (Major General). He was Adolf Hitler’s personal pilot and an author, plus SS Police official. He was a highly decorated WWI flyer and leading commercial aviator during the pioneer fledgling days of Lufthansa Airlines in the late twenties. Hitler became the first head of state to use air travel extensively. He personally selected Hans Baur to be the official pilot.  “Luftwaffe One” was a reliable four engine condor aircraft which was plushed up and called “Immelmann II” after Max Immelmann a famous WWI pilot who was the creator of the famous dog fighting maneuver used during early combat between planes. Hitler increasingly relied on Baur for advice about air war policy and technical developments. At war’s end, he was trapped in the bunker with his beloved Fuhrer. Prior to being captured by the Russians, he was shot and his injuries were so severe that one of his legs had to be amputated. The Russians were deeply interested in Hans Baur, thinking he had flown Hitler to safety before the fall of Berlin. He endured ten years of tortuous questioning at the hands of Russian agents who finally released him in 1955. He returned to Germany to write his memoirs entitled “Hitler at My Side.”  He died in Munich of strictly old age ailments and was interred in the family plot in the Westfridhof in Munich.  He was a loyal SS man and even under horrid interrogations by the Reds, he never apologized for his faith and admiration of the Fuhrer. I met him in 1990 and while talking with him I held his little dachshund, Waldi, in my lap. To hear his exploits and look through his albums is a memory I will always cherish. He was a Teutonic Nobleman of the type we have not seen since or is it likely we will ever see again. Now he belongs to the ages!

The book would be rare unto itself being one of the scarce books of the “Ahnenerbe” (the Foundation for the study of the Germanic past). You can read more about it in other Ahnenerbe entries on our pages. The book is named “Bauernbrauch Im Jahreslauf” (Customs of the Farmers over the Course of the Past). It is a 207 page text style book on this the occupation considered not only most worthy but particularly sacred by the NSDAP and especially the SS. In this monumental work by a researcher in the Ahnenerbe, Herr Hans Strobel, you will see the customs, and the traditions practiced down through the ages by the farmers covered in depth. Customs that seem strange to us today are shown and explained. Interesting ceremonies are detailed all having to do with pagan beliefs and ceremonies that would hopefully beget necessary good crops and animal harvest. Many of the reenactments seen in photographs were performed by SS Ahnenerbe functionaries. The typical houses in the book demonstrate writing and designs both Christian and Pagan. There are agriculturally inspired songs and poems and writings as well as explanations of the local customs of Bauern in all the German land – colorful maypoles, the flaming wheels, and the cultural importance of the pretzel and of oak trees is explained.  Ancient talismans are studied; the Christmas and Yuletide legends are delved into in detail.  Many ancient, important wood and stone carvings are illustrated in drawings. The Ahnenerbe researcher left no stone unturned while creating such a handbook dedicated to German agriculture and its honorable history. This aspect of the studies of the ancestry institute was the passion of Heinrich Himmler, SS Reichsfuhrer, and he personally indulged himself in it to a great degree. It seems quite natural in our estimation that he would choose copies of this book. For his personal choice of Julfest gifts to his closest friends and certainly Hans Baur would definitely be one of his very closest. The SS motto that was “Meine Ehre Heist Treue” (My Honor is Loyalty) was ever present in the mind of General der Luftwaffe and pilot extraordinaire, Hans Baur. The book measures 6 ½" x 9" and is a little over 1 inch thick. It has the original colorful dust cover and bears the personal stamp inside from Hans Baur Flugkapitan and Colonel of Police in Stefeld Oberbayern. On the forward leaf is a statement from Himmler that roughly translates to “A people will live so long in happiness in the present and in the future if they are conscious and aware of their past.” Very appropriate for this important volume I’d say! So, here we have a virtual 3rd Reich treasure and it’s not a field pack, nor a steel helmet, it is not a hand grenade or even a Knights Cross. No, it is my personal belief that this little book surpasses all the above in importance but perhaps I am prejudiced or just maybe historically knowledgeable and motivated in the way that I think. To me, this may be one of the most historically great relics we at Germania have ever offered.  




Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Hitler's forward
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
The Reichsfuhrer SS
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book
Himmler Signed Book

Book Hand Signed and Dedicated by Heinrich Himmler in 1935 (Item HH 4-13)

DESCRIPTION: This is the book in German entitled “Der Glaube and Deutschland” 1935 by Hans Zoberlein and printed in the central offices of the NSDAP in Munich. The subtitle is “Ein Kriegsleben von Verdun Bis Zum Umsturtz." Trans: The Belief in Germany, The war life experiences from Verdun to the Umsturz.

Herr Zuberlein was a famed director in the 20’s and 30’s.  The film Strosstrupp 1917 that was a smash hit was based on director Zoberlein’s own war memories. There was a film that was based on this book “Der Glaube an Deutschland”and it was financed by the National Socialist Government due to the influence of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler who loved the works of Zobelein. Adolf Hitler himself wrote the forward. The movie featured Wehrmacht and SA troops in its cast. The film was directed by the author of Der Glaube of course. The film was devastating. Realistic and thousands attended its premier showing. The book has 392 pages and has a blue linen cover that is not in the best of shape. The gold lettering of the title on the spine and the oak leaf motif that supports a WWI helmet is very faded but the book is holding well and is firm and tight. It is on the inside where we find the Himmler signature and a short presentation to an unknown ‘Sergeant”.  It reads:  “Dem Unterfeldwebel Harck Zugeeignet” (‘presented to Sgt. Haack”).  We do not now who this Unterfeldwebel Haack was but in all probability he was a member of the Waffen SS.  At first this terminology was used before the transition from Verfugungstruppe to Waffen SS and then the term became SS-Obersharfuhrer. There must have been some connection between the Reichsfuhrer and this Unknown Soldier (family?) (Family friend?). In any case the signature and presentation is absolutely genuine.




The book, Maske und Gesicht by Hans Johst is dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
Book, Maske und Gesicht, is dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
In True Friendship

The book, Maske und Gesicht is by Hans Johst.

Book Dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler

Maske und Gesicht by Hans Johst, a Book
Hans Johst in the uniform of SS Oberfuhrer

Maske und Gesicht is dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
Alfred Rosenberg presenting the Gothe culture award to Hans Johst, Nuremberg 1935

The book, Maske und Gesicht by Hans Johst is dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
Next 5 pics of Himmler are not included in the book

Maske und Gesich, a book by Hans Johst, is dedicated to Heinrich Himmler

Himmler Signed Book by Hans Johst

The book, Maske und Gesicht by Hans Johst is dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler

Himmler Signed Book collectible
The Reichsfuhrer SS

Book – Maske und Gesicht (Mask and Face). Dedicated to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
(Item HH 4-14, RAREBOOK 1-2)

DESCRIPTION: The subtitle suggests that the author Hans Johst traveled throughout Germany chronicling the information about spying, deceit, and murder by secret society's and organized groups based upon racial solidarity. Hans Johst was a German playwright and N.S. poet laureate. As a juvenile he planned to become a missionary and when he was 17 years old he worked as an auxiliary in a Bethel Institution. He studied art, medicine and philosophy. He served in the army from 1914-1918. His early works were influenced by expressionism. He wrote many famous plays including "Der an Front" and "Der König" (The King) and later turned to naturalist philosophy in plays such as "The money changers and traders" 1923 and "Thomas Paine" (the American Colonial patriot). In 1928, Johst joined Alfred Rosenberg’s "Kampfbund for Deutscher Kultur" which was a militant league formed to preserve German culture and to combat Jewish influence in German culture. In 1932 he joined the NSDAP explaining his agreement with Hitler's ideology in the essay Standpunkt und Fortschritt (Stand and Progress -1933). The greatest of his plays was Schlageter! It was a heroic biography of the patriotic hero and martyr Albert Leo Schlageter and was first performed on Hitler's 48th birthday on April 20th, 1933, to commemorate his political victory. It was a beautiful play that brought out the heroism of patriotic young men in the desperate years and graphically illustrated the utter barbarity of the French tyrannical occupation of the German Nation.

In 1933 Johst signed the Gelobnis Freuester Gefolgschaft, a declaration of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler that was expressed officially by pro N.S. writers; He became president of the German Writers Union and of the poetry academy. Johst achieved many other powerful positions of importance within the N.S. state. He was named in the ‘Gottbegnadeten’ list of September 1944 as one of the Reich’s most important artists. During the war he held various important positions within the SS and he was a very close friend and admirer of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler to whom he dedicated the book Maske und Gesicht. After the war Johst was interned by the Allies and in 1949 he was tried for his activities ("writing plays"). He served 3 ½ years in prison sentenced by the nations that claimed to protect and love free speech and freedom of expression. The hypocrisy of the Americans is especially noted because they reserved 1st amendment rights to their citizens (Some Citizens!) But denied those rights to a playwright and author named Hans Johst. Another writer, whose claim to fame was writing, was Julius Streicher and he was sent to the gallows where he slowly strangled to death for over 20 minutes after being condemned for his writings (no more, no less!) Hooray for Justice no matter how criminal it might be.

The book is in very fine condition and has a very nice linen cover. In the opening page it says 'Für Heinrich Himmler in treuer Freundschaft.' (for Heinrich Himmler in true friendship). Johst must have been a very highly thought of friend of Himmler because he dedicated the book using only Himmler’s name and does not write out his title as Chief of the SS. This was always done by other writers dedicating books to the Reichsfuhrer. The book is very rare and is a true collectors find in this immaculate condition.





The images of the hunting party are not included with the album. They are only shown as examples of an SS hunt.

This picture is for general interest only; it is not part of what's being offered here.

The cover

The opening page with the hunters' call


Page with artistic motif

Lt. Wendland’s signature and sentiments by Kurt Glucks

Left page: sixteen signatures to include the SA-Ostland Führer and SS-Obersturmführer Montava.

Right page: other signatures, mostly SS leadership personnel to include a champion SS equestrian rider, and Meisinger's signature

Close-up of signature of Meisinger, Command Secretary in RFSS office of Reinhard Heydrich

More SS personnel

Important personages


Heinrich Himmler’s signature

Close-up of Himmler’s signature

Japanese diplomats who took part in the hunt

Hermann Fegelien


The binding and parchment

Heinrich Himmler with SS hunting party


One of the SS hunting outings. Note Reinhard Heydrich in long, black overcoat.


The Reichsführer’s return from the hunt

Himmler examines the day’s kill.

Himmler is driving and his aide, Wolf, as front-seat passenger, are heading back to Berlin after the hunt.

Very Special Guestbook of Signatures of Individuals who Participated in Several Official Hunts at this Lodge: 1940-1942 (Item HH 4-15)

DESCRIPTION: This is a true treasure of the National Socialist regime. It is a guestbook (Gästebuch) with many signatures of important N.S. and SS officials all signed in their personal handwriting. The various hunting-party events span a number of years from about September of 1940 to October of 1942. The opening page of the book has hand-drawn skull and crossbones which immediately suggests that the Allgemeine-SS was the official sponsor of the hunts. Underneath the skull and crossbones is a beautiful printed message in one word “Horído!” This is the age-old German expression that announces the beginning of a Teutonic hunt.

And so the pages of signatures begin:
The book now opens with a beautifully adorned page with artistic oak-leaf motif, hand executed in watercolors.
At the top of the page in German it says “Der Abend nach der 2. Jagd” (“The evening after the second hunt”). There are thirteen signatures, three of which are illegible and the others are unknown at this time.

The second page has the signature of Lt. Wendland on Sept 1940 and he makes a statement that practically takes the whole page. He says that the Luftwaffe and the SS are two different weapons, but equally important. Then, under this is a statement by Kurt Glucks and he states: “If I have to say goodbye, my last goodbye will be for the cavalry, my heart is only with them. All the happiness on earth is on the back of a horse and health of the body is only found at the heart of one’s wife. September 20, 1940. Kurt Glucks.

The third page has 16 signatures; all but one are identified. Notable among them is the leader of the Corp Ostland and its SA-Oberführer Heske who was Oberfeldmeister of the Schutz Police.
SS-Obersturmführer Montava and his wife Marie Luise Montava.
Riger(Oct 5, 1940) 1st SS-Unterscharführer in reserve R-7 in Duppel
Maria Mergs, Oberführer in Gruppe Ostland.

The fourth page has signatures from these notables:
Dr. Fiscker, who was known as a regt. father signs in Oct. 1940. He was probably assigned to SS-Gruppe Ostland
Then a SS equestrian who participated and won the horsemanship “Awards Day,” but we can’t decipher his signature.
Dr. Franz Gurtner, who was the Reich’s Minister of Justice. He signed the book on Dec 11, 1940.
Dr. Meyer, General Oberfeld doctor.
Doctor Conrad, Superior War Tribunal Director, Zetnitz Army High Command 4th Army
Gustav Thonmann, member of General Command 4th Army.
Dr. Ernst Wille, leader of the SS-Abteilung in Goya (army hospital)

The fifth page has fifteen signatures to include:
Meisinger, SS Command Secretary of police in Reinhard Heydrich’s SD office.
Dr. Dorffler, ministerial advisor.
Public Attorney K. Stahn
Max Montava, SS-Obersturmführer and General of the Police.
W. Klein, government advisor and Güpford, who was a city-based political leader of the NSDAP.

The sixth page contains only four signatures.

The seventh page has sixteen signatures; among them are:
Dr. Trumper, colonel in Division Command (Western) RR1.
Lt. Col. Domfay
Von Ziteritz, famed commander in the Warsaw Campaign.

The eighth page has sixteen signatures including a captain in the General Staff.

The ninth page has fifteen signatures and a statement from von Hainsfeld where he says, “Please you beautiful month of May, return and make the trees green again!” The rest of the names are spelled out, but their titles and ranks are not shown.

Comes, now, the most important signature on the tenth page: H. Himmler and he signed and dated it June 17, 1942 and under the SS-Reichsführer’s signature are the signatures of three of his aides who were most likely members of the Leibstandarte-SS from his Office of Personal Security. Their names: M. von Herff, A. Wigand, and Dr. Kuhn.

On the eleventh page there are only three signatures including Rossim, a major general from the Warsaw Command, who signed the book July 6, 1942. Then there is an illegible signature of the Chief of Staff of the 2nd Grenadier Rgt. Warsaw. The third is illegible, as well.

The twelfth page is headed Oct. 10, 1942, and has several lines of Japanese writing and possibly the signature of Baron General Hiroshi Oshima. History records that Oshima was an avid hunter and the others were possibly important Japanese ambassadors. Under this it says in German: “First. Secretary of the Embassy, then down below there is a signature of Shigo Imals, Third Secretary of the Embassy. Below this, Dr. Menden, German Attaché to the Japanese ambassadors, Dr. Fischer again, and Dr. Ludwig Hahn, SS-Obersturmführer, Dr. Rauch, a major in the reserve SS, Johann Heinhof Fredrich, an SS-Sturmbannführer, Dr. Erich Gormer Kleinich SS-Haupsturmführer, and last but certainly not least, H. Fegelein, SS-Standartenführer, who was a high-ranking member of Hitler’s entourage and brother-in-law to Eva Braun. This man was subjected to every form of abuse by journalists famed for political correctness as is their usual despicable wont. My opinion is that he actually was better than the whole bunch of them

The last page, thirteen, bears the signature of H. Gluck SS-Hauptsturmführer and Paul Werner, Untersturmführer.

The rest of the pages are blank since the German nation and its heroes were called to attend to the business of a terrible genocidal war that had been thrust upon them with the full intention of utterly destroying the German nation and its people and preserving the evil Russian communist regime. Over 50 million died because of the malevolent designs, not of Adolf Hitler, but Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. People of the west are finally, to a great extent, waking up to these very evident facts. But it’s late in the game! Very Late! Yes, my opinions will offend many, but it’s impossible to delve into the real story of the great fratricidal wars with an open mind and not eventually be touched by the truth. Churchill said: “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."

The Guestbook

The book is heavy and is bound in front-quarter animal hide; possibly goatskin. It’s about 1 1/4 inches thick and measures 9 x 11. It has thirteen pages of signatures and several blank ones left for future entries that never happened. The pages are crafted in handmade actual parchment probably also of animal-skin origin. The book itself is in very good condition and the binding is very strong and securely tough. It was made to last for the entirely of the “Thousand Year Reich” that should have been! Here is an archival treasure indeed and I hope you will become the chosen steward of its preservation for the future. It certainly deserves it!

Please take note that there are no pictures offered with this guestbook;
those seen here are for general historical interest only.





Drews’ promotion document signed by Himmler

Oberleutnant Drews’ award of the medal for the liberation of the Sudetenland

Document recognizing Drews’ promotion to chief watch master of the Protective Police

Set of Documents Pertaining to a German Police Official (Item HH 4-16)

DESCRIPTION: This is a set of three documents, one of which is boldly signed by -Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler in November of 1939. He appoints (promotes) police official Leutnant der Schutzpolizei (second lieutenant) Alfred Drews to serve as Oberleutnant der Schutzpolizei (senior or first lieutenant). This is for sale along with two other documents issued to the same man bearing printed signatures of Otto Meissner and Jürgen von Kamptz. The swastika has been practically obliterated within the embossed-eagle seal because the German who sold the document thought that merely displaying the swastika was “verboten,” and at that time, it no doubt was. The embossed eagle is intact, however. Seldom do we ever find three documents pertaining to the same N.S. official. This must be considered extremely rare. Himmler's signature is sharp and bold and one of the better ones we have ever seen.

PRICE: $1,850.00



SS-Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop commands the Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto


Reichsführer- Heinrich Himmler Contracts an Officer who Took a Major Role in the Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto in January 1943 (Item HH 4-17)

DESCRIPTION: This document is dated April 1, 1935, at Arolsen, the head accounting and record keeping offices for the . In essence, this an employment contract in which -Hauptsturmführer Walter Bellwidt signs on to serve in the Waffen- (Verfügungstruppe) until his forty-fifth birthday after which time the contract becomes renewable annually. The end of the contractual obligation ends in this case on May 31, 1946, and that is noted at the bottom of the document. It’s signed by Himmler at the bottom and twice by Bellwidt. It has marginal file holes, otherwise is in very good condition. Walter Bellwidt became an -Obersturmbannführer and was a recipient of the coveted Coburg Badge. He would command a Waffen- battalion under General Jürgen Stroop in the “ Grossaktion Warschau” (Great Action Warsaw) in Poland. Walter Bellwidt can be found in several places using your favorite search engine. This is quite a rare and important historical document.

PRICE: $1,950.00


Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler

Book Signed by Himmler
Fatherly love

Book Signed by Himmler
Family love

The Book of Love signed by Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-18; PERS 7-1; SS 38-3)

DESCRIPTION: The book is by Werner Jansen and is titled Das Buch Liebe published by Georg Westermann in Braunschweig with copyright date of 1920. It comprises 304 pages. The cover is in green cloth with gilt title on the spine, and a small tear on the edge of the spine (fixable!); otherwise, fine. This is a presentation to Heinrich Himmler, inscribed to him on the front flyleaf with: “Oberwachtführer of the Rote Kreuz (Red Cross) Ilse Doehring with friendly greetings November 1940.” Beneath this Himmler has added his ownership signature: “H. Himmler.” This epic saga was dedicated to young women whose men were at the front during WWI. The author, Werner Jensen, and this work were very dear to Himmler’s heart in 1924. After first reading it Himmler declared this book, “. . . the songs of songs to the Nordic woman.” He said, “This is the ideal image we Germans dream of in our youth and are ready to die for as men.” (‘Very good’ and historically important to the extreme.) It shows the obvious sentimentality of the Reichsführer-SS. This is not only revealing, but Himmler's signature is one of the boldest and best of his that we have ever seen. He was obviously proud to own this book.




Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Reichsfürher SS Heinrich Himmler

Himmler Iron Chest
Stylized SS
Himmler Iron Chest
The Irminsul
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
The backside
Himmler Iron Chest
Bottom view
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Note lock holes
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler with daughter, Gudron at Gmund home
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler Iron Chest
Himmler home in Gmund, Tegernsee

Iron Chest from the Home of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-19; SS 35-3; AHN 5-6)

DESCRIPTION: This chest is constructed from iron with a wooden interior. It is probably one of the finest pieces of Himmler-related items ever found. It was taken from the home of the Reichsführer SS at Gmund in Lake Tegernsee in 1945 by an American soldier (looter).  This was the same villa that the chair came from that we feature in the Himmler section of our site. The box is measured at 10" x 8" across the top and 3 ½" deep counting the feet.  The design is indicative of the work of the SS Ahnenerbe. (See our explanation of this Heritage Foundation as well on our pages. There is a wealth of information there.)  You can also put the word, ‘Ahnenerbe’ into Google and much more can be extrapolated. The words’ “Meine Ahnen” are to be seen in cut-out iron letters on the top of the chest -- this translates to My Ancestry; on the right side is a figure that represents the Irminsul with the “Sonnenrad” (sun symbol) behind it with Swastika  (It was the sacred symbol of the Saxons.) In the left lower section you can see a stylized SS symbol in a circle. The Ahnenerbe was the favored pet project of Heinrich Himmler and many gifts were bestowed upon him at his birthday, anniversaries and just about every time he would be visited by officials of the organization including, of course, SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers; he was the official chairman of the Kuratorium and he held the real power in the organization. The foundation had several (50) different departments all with various agendas. Expeditions to Tibet and other far flung places, Germanic music, excavations, medical department studies, having to do with nutrition and folk medicine, farming innovations, the social sciences as well as natural science were exhaustingly covered, studies of the Celtic and Nordic culture. One of the departments was for the study and recreation of Germanic art and it was here that they created items that were important to the Nordic mythos. Teutonic swords, and daggers shields, etc. Here also such items as this chest would be created using pagan and symbolic designs that would reflect the importance of ancestry and the dedication to the National Socialist principles and ideals. This brings us to the fact that this would have been the perfect gift for Himmler because for all intents and purposes it really says it all! On the front of the chest is an N.S. eagle and swastika of the style used in the earliest days of the N.S. movement (in the mid 20’s), this is also fashioned in iron. It is in keeping with all the rest of the design when one considers the full meaning of the gift. The stylized SS also has meaning in the fact that the Ahnenerbe was under the directorship of  the general secretary and SS Standartenführer, Seivers, who was keenly interest in the evolvement of the swastika and the SS symbolism from ancient times. The "S" was used on Teutonic war shields and weapons and under Siever's directives,various patterns of the usage of SS were used, so this rather different usage and design on the chest’s top is to be expected in an Ahnenerbe production. We are quite certain that this gift was actually from this much acclaimed academic group. When the GIs broke into the house in Gmund, on the shores of Tegernsee, this chest was taken along with many other items. Thinking that the box contained jewels or other precious objects, the looters couldn’t contain their lustful greed. There was a key sitting right in the lock but it would have had to be turned and then re-inserted in another hole beside it and turned again and the lock would have opened easily but since they were lusting heavily to open it, they never even noticed the second hole and since it would not open for them, they forced it open with a bayonet thereby destroying the lock. You can see in our picture the two lock entry points. This chest was kept in the Gmund residence in a closet and undoubtedly contained papers and/or microfilm having to do with the ancestry of the Reichsfuhrer. When the box was opened by the looters, there was consternation and great disappointment. The contents were stupidly thrown in a trash barrel by the GIs without a thought of their importance to history and the chest was carried away by the “grunts.” Carefully, so that the intelligence officers would not see it because if they had the chest would have been seized and the contents might have still been able to be rescued. There was strict orders that no looting was to be permitted, especially at this residence. So, that is the story as relayed to us by the son of the veteran who prefers to go unnamed. This is an exiting relic of the SS and of its leader. It also is very important in that it is from the Ahnenerbe and that is so crucial to the understanding of one of the admittedly positive aspect of the Third Reich. Obviously extremely rare and certainly a valuable relic of the Reich.

PRICE: $11,000.00


Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler
Himmler's signature

Highly Secret Communique from and signed by Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-20)

DESCRIPTION: Geheim! = Secret!

This document is clearly marked “Geheime Kommandosache” and dated 23.3.1944 and says “SS R.F. Personalhauptamt” (Head Office of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler). The directive is to the attention of and to be seen only by Gauleiter Erich Koch, Chef der Zivilverwaltung (Chief of Civil Administration) and we would not venture to suppose what the key words in the secret message might be—undoubtedly, they are there! We will probably never know, but this is still a great and highly interesting document important enough for R.F. Himmler to hand sign it. It does say “Geheim[e]” in three places. The document is also stamped “Durch besonderen Boten” which means “with all due caution.” This is far from the normal dispatch of orders; even the color of the paper is not the usual office white. This document has a tinted peach or sepia coloration that would stand right out indicating “special handling” and reflects vigilance by the addressee. Himmler’s directive is a no-nonsense, emphatic demand leaving no room for deviation or error. Translation follows:

My order of 13.2.44 expressly states that interference on your [Koch] part in the matter, which has been mentioned here in your presence, is not permitted. In all cases, the person responsible is Wilhelm Koppe, SS Senior Group Leader and State Secretary for Security in the General Government. As the head of the police in Poznan told me, there is no danger of suppression of evidence in the case of H. Warnitz.

For the record: /s/ Gebhardt

Reichsführer-SS /s/ H. Himmler
Signature of Issuer

The Document

The document measures 11½ x 8 inches and is in good shape with no smudges or rips; however, there are two reinforced binder holes to the left side. It’s mounted in a heavy museum-type framing with special heat- and glare-proof glass that measures 17 x 40 inches when viewed inside the frame, and nicely mounted are a clear photograph of Reichsführer-SS H. Himmler and one of Gauleiter Erich Koch (June 1896-November 1986). Koch was a Gauleiter of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in East Prussia from October 1928 until 1945. Between 1941 and 1945, he was Chief of Civil Administration (Chef der Zivilverwaltung) of the Bialystok District. Koch was born in Elberfeld in 1896. Between 1915 and 1918, he fought for Germany in WWI, serving with distinction. After Germany’s defeat in that war, and with a massive reduction of the German armed forces, he joined the Freikorps in Silesia. It consisted of paramilitary units fighting against Communists and Polish incursions into eastern Germany. Many of these men went on to be senior Nazis who served in the NSDAP ranks. As a veteran and disappointed by the state of post-WWI Germany, Koch felt that his whole purpose in life was to live and even die for his Vaterland and the German people. He joined the NSDAP in 1922 (member #90) and worked in various party positions in the NSDAP—Gau Ruhr. During the Occupation of the Ruhr, he was a member of Albert Leo Schlageter’s group and was imprisoned several times by the French authorities. In 1927, he became Bezirksführer (District Guide) of the NSDAP in Essen, and later, the deputy Gauleiter of Gau Ruhr. Koch belonged to the left wing of the party and was a supporter of the faction led by Gregor Strasser, but later saw the light and faithfully supported Hitler as Gruppenführer and Gauleiter of East Prussia. Koch’s prewar rule in East Prussia was characterized by efforts to collectivize the local agriculture and ruthlessness in dealing with his critics inside and outside the party. He also had long-term plans for mass-scale industrialization of the largely agricultural province. These actions made him unpopular among the local peasants. However, through publically funded emergency relief programs concentrating on agriculture land-improvement projects and road construction, the “Erich Koch Plan” for East Prussia allegedly made the province free of unemployment. On August 16, 1933, Koch reported to Hitler that unemployment had been banished entirely from East Prussia, a feat that gained admiration throughout the Reich. Koch’s industrialization plans led him into conflict with Richard Walther Darré, who held the office of the Reich Peasant Leader (Reichsbauernführer) and Minister of Agriculture. Darré, a neopaganist rural romantic, wanted to enforce his vision of an agricultural East Prussia. When his “land” representatives challenged Koch’s plans, Koch had them arrested. There was no love lost between Himmler and Koch, either, but each appreciated the other’s talents and efforts. Koch was one of a few openly Christian Nazi Party members. In addition to his political career, he was also one of the elected pastors of the Synod of the old Russian Ecclesiastical Province of East Prussia. Although Koch gave preference to the Deutsche Christen movement over traditional Protestant concepts, his contemporaries regarded him as a bone fide Christian, whose success in his church career could be attributed to his commitment to the Lutheran faith. This might have been a bone of contention between Himmler and Koch, as well. He was essentially a rather strict master in his later-appointed rule in the Ukraine and was a vengeful pursuer in punishment of partisans. He is rumored to have said: “We are a master race which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than some of the population here.” He was not referring to the good and noble Ukrainian people that he admired, but rather the mongoloid admixtures found in the Ukrainian hinterlands. So, the document is in all probability a truly rare secret dispatch with genuine importance historically and it leaves the door wide open for more interesting research.

PRICE: $3,500.00


Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Field-Issued Award of the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: signed by Heinrich Himmler (Item HH 4-21)

DESCRIPTION: This is a great original-signed document by Heinrich Himmler and awarded to a man who was a Haupsturmführer (captain) in the SS police division. The award with this offering is the cloth version that would be worn on the combat uniform. By the way, this is the actual piece given to the recipient and most probably by the actual hand of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. The metal version was probably not available at that time, which this undated document seems to indicate. The recipient was an SS soldier by the name of Wilfried Schwarz in the Hohenstaufen Panzer Division and was assigned as a staff officer of the 9th Panzer Division Hohenstaufen. The document is on a paper from the Reichsführer community known as a schnellbrief. The award known as “Deutsches Kreuz in Gold” and the heading of the document contains the words “Der Reichsführer-SS” and it was issued at the Feld-Kommandostelle. This bears the bold, personal signature, hand written by H. Himmler. Here is an extremely rare example of a field-issued high award. It bears the broadest and most impressive Himmler signature that we have ever had occasion to come across. The document is beautifully framed and the sizes are: 23 x 13 inches for the frame; 10 x 7 inches for the document. It’s framed in museum glass.

PRICE: $7,000.00


Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Document Signed by Himmler

Service Contract Between an Untersturmführer and Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler (Chief of the Entire SS) (Item HH 4-22)

DESCRIPTION: In this service contract the German Reich is represented by a member of the interior who in turn is represented by the Reichsführer SS. This document denotes the following service contract with Untersturmführer Hans Weiss, SS no. 47-390. Weiss was born on August 28, 1911, at Vohringen/Iller. Weiss signs twice and is committed to serve continuously as an officer in the SS-Verfügungstruppe up to the completion of the 45th year of his life subject to the laws, decrees, and regulations valid for the SS-Verfügungstruppe. Upon completion of the 45th year of life, the service contract is extended year by year, unless it is terminated one quarter of a year before the end of the year. The first year of service as an SS officer counts as a probationary period. During this period, the Reichsführer SS is entitled to terminate this contract at any time with a cancellation period of one quarter of a year. A justification for this termination is not required; it is legally binding. It is not possible to raise objection against it. This was signed at Ellwangen/Jagst. There is a notation of handing over one copy of this service contract (each). The signatures of Himmler and Weiss are clear. The Reichsführer’s choice in Nordic and German supremacy was well chosen in his selection of Weiss as the latter was a Hauptsturmführer who won the Knight’s Cross April 6, 1943, for commanding Das Reich’s reconnaissance division during the battle of Kharkov in March of 1943. He was commander of Heavy SS Tiger Battalion 102 and led the unit in combat during Operation Jupiter and the Battle for Hill 112. The brown edges with the holes at the side are due probably to wartime, the burning effect has nothing to do with poor restoration because the condition of the document was quite fragile and measures had been taken by a curator to preserve the document as it was not just glued, but carefully attached to Japanese paper with acid-free, water-soluble liquid used by museum curators. This means that the document can easily be removed without any damage by carefully moistening the backside of the Japanese paper. It has been framed with acid-free matting and the glass is museum glass to prevent damage from sunlight. The original frame is distressed by age, but holding up quite well. The overall frame size is 21 x 17½ inches and the document 12 x 8¾ inches. Documents like these with famous names are hardly seen on the market nowadays particularly in Europe where most people can read German. These documents are quite popular and collected. We would call this an extraordinary historical find.

PRICE: $2,980.00


Gift to Himmler

Gift to Himmler

Gift to Himmler

Gift to Himmler

Gift to Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler from Gunter d’Alquen, the Editor of Das Schwarze Korps Periodical (Item HH 4-23)

DESCRIPTION: Das Schwarze Korps (The Black Corps) was the second largest political weekly of the Reich. It was the organ of der Reichsfuhrung-SS. They were monthly issues keeping the membership up to date with SS issues. The editor, Gunter d’Alquen, was already a very professional journalist when he took the reins of the journal. Under him, the SS paper frequently attacked liberals, intellectuals, leftists, atheists, scientists, woke, etc. Gunter, as a hobby in private, loved to carve in wood and ivory and here we present an exclusive carrying case for the Reichsführer for private introduction cards. Gunter personally carved from ivory such a case and presented it to the Reichsführer on his birthday “07.10.1941.” The front of the case has some exquisite earlier carving worked with the runic alphabet depicting wild stag and doe. This work is not by our SS carver. He wasn’t that good. The case is probably a lone antique that he bought and embellished; however, the back panel of the case has some words and declarations making it a birthday gift to Himmler. The top design bears the SS naturalized, stylized eagle. Below this are two lowercase letters representing Himmler’s initials; between them is the Wolfsangle. Below this is the motto of the SS “Our Honor is Loyalty,” and below that is Das Schwarze Korps. At each end of the case is the symbol of Das Schwarze Korps: a Teutonic sword lain across the SS rune symbol. The item is in very fine condition with a little bit of usage inside. Certainly, it is one of a kind!



Himmler Totenkopf Ring

Himmler Totenkopf Ring

Himmler Totenkopf Ring

Himmler Totenkopf Ring

Himmler Totenkopf Ring

Himmler Totenkopf Ring

Himmler Totenkopf Ring

SS-Totenkopf Himmler Honor Ring (Item HH 4-24)

DESCRIPTION: This ring is a particularly fine example of the honor ring of the SS with absolutely wonderful detail. The skull is the finest we have ever seen and the runic symbols are spectacular. The area where the ring was jeweler-joined can readily be seen. The ring is accompanied with the obligatory certification by Don Boyle, the author of the book SS Totenkopf H. Himmler Honor Ring 1933-1945. In this statement by Mr. Boyle, he praises the ring highly for its condition and historical importance. The ring was originally presented by Heinrich Himmler on 21.6.44 to SS officer Steck. This we believe is quite reasonable for such an exemplary rare and beautiful ring with the Boyle certificate. There is a slight deviation or slipup by the jeweler. The fact is that the letter “e” in the name of the SS officer, “Steck,” was mistakenly spelled, “Stcck.” Don Boyle does not feel that this error is a blemish to the integrity of the ring. In a personal conversation with him, Boyle stated that in the hundreds of rings he has inspected, a few have errors such as this and show up now and then. He approved of its overall excellent condition. This can be verified by Mr. Boyle.



Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Honorary Citizenship Presented to Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler in Beautiful Calligraphy (Item HH 4-25)

DESCRIPTION: This extremely rare document was presented to Heinrich Himmler by Mayor Hellmuth of Frauenau, Germany, in thankful appreciation of Himmler’s connection with the local NSDAP conferring honorary citizenship upon him. It was signed by the mayor and is on faded red/pink parchment paper with slight damage to one edge. It is encased in a folio measuring 16 x 22 inches and is of beautiful blue leather with gold edging. The folder was not added later, but is part of the original presentation. The red and black calligraphy, hand executed, is wonderful and a tribute to the art. It was presented 28 March 1933. This was the year of the ascension of the NSDAP. During the Third Reich the highest placed individuals in the estimation of local citizenry would present such honorary citizenships to such dignitaries as Hitler, Göring, Goebbels, and as we present here, Himmler. These were called Ehrenbürgerschaft or Honorary Citizenships. They are quite rare when found and often in poor condition. We are exceptionally proud to offer this presentation documenting a moment in historical time when the NSDAP saw fit to honor their leader while looking forward to achieving victory over Bolshevism.



Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Himmler Document

Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler Document (Item HH 4-26)

DESCRIPTION: This is a “Fristsache!” (deadline matter) in a “Schnellbrief” (urgent to circulate) regarding directives in the case of passports to be sent to several Austrian city ministries, offices, and Reich’s commissions that they seem concerned about, and is dated January 4, 1940. It has Himmler’s signature at the top left in his iconic green pencil. This has a dual historic attribute as it is signed by Dr. Best. This is the Dr. Karl Rudolf Best, SS-Obergruppenführer, Nazi Party Leader, First Chief of the Gestapo, and was the person who initiated a registry for all Jews in Germany to determine those with Communist affiliations. That it concerns passports is probably why Dr. Best is involved. The document is in perfect condition and is a prize to add to any collector of notable, historic signatures.

PRICE: $1,100.00


Himmler Document

Himmler Document
The Brothers Himmler
Gebhard, Heinrich, Ernst


Himmler Document

Himmler Document
Letter of provenance

Himmler Document
Back of matting

Heinrich Himmler Childhood Telegram—a Personal Possession (Item HH 4-27)

DESCRIPTION:This is a child's telegram from the “Kinder Telegraphen Amt” filled out by children asking for a Christmas wish list. The children would believe it had been sent, but it would be kept—likely by the parents? This telegram is dated Christmas 1910, with the printed message “Lieber Cristkindl, we would like a little sister. Gebhard, 'Heini,' and Ernst." (The three Himmler brothers.) The handwritten section of the telegram, listing date, time, location, reference numbers, etc., is filled out by Heinrich and initialed "H.H." This telegram was kept by Himmler and was taken from his Tegernsee villa in 1945 by GIs from, I believe, the 36th Infantry Division. Included as provenance is an original letter by the previous owner, Ian Sayer, author of many books on Nazi history and owner of a large collection of Third Reich documents. The telegram was previously featured in a TV show featuring Nazi memorabilia. There is a small hole in the written section and some aging is seen.

PRICE: $3,500.00*

Page One

Page Two - Himmler's Chair

Page Three

Page Four

Himmler's Third Reich Tapestry - Page Five

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