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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

I bet you think you know all about Adolf Hitler! Think again!
Here is a great book crammed full of rarely revealed facts now divulged in a comprehensive and immensely compelling revisionist narrative.
Please go here to read a review of
Gun of Destiny: Adolf Hitler's Smith & Wesson Revolver
by Robert A. Johnston.

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Page 31



Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust
Note chipped shoulder.

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Magnificent Black Forest Carving Depicting Adolf Hitler (Item AH 31-1; ART 18-9)

DESCRIPTION: In 1933, Germany experienced the Machtergreifung, Adolf Hitler's victory and ascension to power when Reichs president Paul von Hindenburg appointed him to the office of Chancellor of the German Reich. The church bells in all of Germany rang in jubilant cheer and the faithful National Socialist supporters were ecstatic with hope and pride at this highly auspicious occasion. Almost before Hitler physically entered the Reichstag, artists both professional and amateur were busy turning out charming figurines, paintings, drawings, and all sorts of art depicting their leader. The piece we offer here is a woodcarving in the traditional Black Forest style. For centuries throughout the dense Schwartzwald there have been expert woodcarvers. Their usual specialties were the famous coo-coo clocks, but carvings of forest animals were also made. Masterfully carved forest creatures and colorful local folk in their typical native and sectional costumes are prevalent. In Europe, finer Black Forest carvings became a symbol of luxury and wealth. The finest of these were often found in royal collections and elite collectors’ homes. Victorian world travelers adored these items and paid heavily to acquire them. During the period 1806 through the 1900s, the popularity was also growing in many overseas markets, as well. Some of the figures that warmed the hearts of Americans were boars--the most commonly depicted animal--stags, eagles, dogs, and of course important and often-humorous human figures were common when depicting woodland folk, but with this particular depiction we offer here, very special and masterful detail had to be achieved as no doubt this was a very special project possibly commissioned by a local town council or even the Bürgermeister to commemorate the earth-shattering event when the former Grand Marshal of the Army and now the Reichs president conferred this supreme leadership on a former corporal in a Bavarian infantry regiment. The facial expression in this magnificent carving is nothing short of amazing! To achieve this degree of perfection in woodcarving is very notable indeed and the artist that turned out this impressively beautiful and striking artwork had to be a highly rated virtuoso in this demanding field. Note in our images the column support of the bust. Its whole message seems to convey the message "The Awakening" and advancement of the Third German Reich; the rising sun portrays this idea. The heads of the eagles seem to depict the boldness of the coming era and its promise of a Teutonic national identity. This sculpture by a highly skilled artisan of his day seems to say it all. It is truly a great and exquisite rendering that is surely unique!

PRICE: $2,950.00


Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature
Extremely enhanced image to show signatures.

Hitler Signature
The original envelope; Swearingen to Gish

Hitler Signature
This is the explanation of the signatures on the card from the late Ben Sweringen (collector extraordinaire!) sent to avid collector, Frank Gish, in July of 1976

Hitler Signature
Frau Rust at right

Postcard with Greeting sent by Adolf Hitler and Important Party Leaders (Item AH 31-2; PERS 7-7; AHSIG 3-2)

DESCRIPTION: This picture postcard was sent to Frau Rust, an early secretary for the NSDAP. It’s postmarked from Nuremberg on 28 July 1931, and is written in pencil and conveys the heartfelt greetings from the following:

Adolf Hitler. A personal greeting and an early signature

Julius Streicher. Gauleiter of Franconia; he was a delegate to the Reichstag from Thuringen

Dr. Herbert Albrecht. A very early party member from May 1923

Julius Schaub. One of Hitler’s main adjutants; he was a recipient of the Golden NSDAP Party Badge number 81

The front of the card is a lithograph depicting Die Burg (Castle) im Westen. Additionally, there is a postcard provenance dated 27 July 1976. (Coincidentally, it was sent one day before the postcard was sent 45 years earlier!) Ben E. Swearingen, of Lewisville, Texas, who was long-time collector and ultracompetent authority on Third Reich memorabilia, delivered the provenance to Mr. Frank Gish, another long-time collector from Tustin, California. It's interesting to note that Swearingen identified all the "difficult" signatures on the card, yet neglected to mention Hitler's! We suppose he took that one for granted! For those not familiar with Dr. Herbert Albrecht, he was one of the earliest supporters of Hitler and after the Machtergreifung he became a Gauleiter and a member the Reichstag. Earlier, he was a member of the famed Deutschvolkischer Schutz und Trutzbund (German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation). This is a stunning collection of signatures of early members of the Nazi Party, predating Hitler's meteoric rise to power.

PRICE: $3,900.00


Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Adolf Hitler Depiction on a Silver Ring (Item AH 31-3; SPECIAL SALE)

DESCRIPTION: This was a part of what was a limited series of "patriot" rings that were sold after the Machtergreifung (ascension to power in 1933) when Hitler was appointed Reichs Chancellor. This was cause for patriotic jubilation throughout the Vaterland and plaques paintings, wood carvings, swastika flags, and commemorative jewelry such as this ring suddenly appeared--some of it crafted by master jewelers. This ring was the most popular model, but we've never seen one with the wreaths on the sides showing red enamel inserts. The ring is in a large size (12). It shows extensive wear and is stamped "800" (silver) on the outside shank of the ring, but this is mostly worn off from honest and probably constant wear by the original stalwart NADAP member. Here is a great original Kampzeit article of historic importance.

PRICE: $1,250.00. 0ur apologies. This ring was priced incorrectly and taken off the site temporarily by the consigner, but it is now back and with the correct price.


Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust
Frau Ley working on the original bust of Hitler

Hitler Bust
Frau Ley with the finished bust of Hitler

Authentic Period Bust of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 31-4)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a great depiction of the German Führer mounted on a marble base. The likeness to Adolf Hitler is remarkable indeed; although not signed, the image looks to be very possibly by the famed female artist and sculptor Hedwig Maria Ley, who was said to be the favorite artist of Hitler. The bust is fashioned in bronze-toned meta—possibly gypsum. The bust was part of a museum collection that was purchased. The piece measures about 6 1/2 inches high not counting the base and about 4 1/2 inches from the back of the head to the tip of the nose. The marble base measures three inches square and two inches deep. The patina is a bit rough and it's plain to see that it has been "around the Horn," so to say. There is also a tiny dent at the very crown of the head (hardly noticeable). The patina loss is evident but it is not rust or corrosion and can be replenished by someone who knows what they are doing. The face is un-marred and practically perfect. Note: This is an original and important antiquity and is most presentable as it is. The piece is original and period is the key word. Such original, politically incorrect antiquities do not come up very often. This bust should be priced at much more so it is really a bargain.

PRICE: $1,270.00


Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein
Hitler at the Königsee in Bavaria

Beer Stein
The Berghof, Hitler’s beautiful chalet in the Obersalzberg

Beer Stein
Eagle that was on the Kaserne of the mountain troops at Bad Reichenhall; it remains there to this day.

Charming Little Beer Stein – Hitler Berghof (Item AH 31-5)

DESCRIPTION: Here is indeed a little charmer; a beer mug that depicts the Bavarian sites most beloved by Adolf Hitler. This is a petite stein 4½ inches by about 5 inches not counting the handle. The scenes depicted are the Königsee, Bad Reichenhall, and the Berghof. All of these places are presented in high relief on a beautiful blue-glazed background encrusted with charming edelweiss flowers, Die Lieblingsblume des Führers (Hitler’s favorite flower.). Bad Reichenhall had a training camp and HQ of the Gebirgsjäger (Mountain Troops); several National Socialist political offices were there, also. The area was very meaningful to the NSDAP in that it considered the land, Bavaria, as the heart of the movement. The Königsee was practically considered a hallowed place and Heinrich Hoffman, Hitler’s personal photographer, liked to take pictures of the future Führer with this beautiful lake as a natural setting in the background. In the third frame we see the Berghof, the palatial chalet that was considered the home of the Führer when he visited this area of the Bavarian Alps. He loved the Obersalzberg and the people, who were its proud and noble inhabitants. Here is a charming little item of glücklich (happiness) from a better time.



Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Original Hitler Bust in Plaster of Paris (Item AH 31-6)

DESCRIPTION: Not ever German patriot who had a Messianic view of the Führer in the early days before the Machtergreifung, 30 January 1933, had the money to purchase a fine bust of him in bronze, so they would visit the many shops in Berlin and Munich, etc., and would often purchase a bust made in his image molded in plaster of Paris. Another reason for this selection was that the bronze busts besides being costly did not for some of the Volk seem personal and lifelike and the plaster ones were somewhat more a natural-looking piece of artistic endeavor. These little busts cost only a few marks at the time and filled the needs of the loyal admirers in their patriotic zeal. The bust stands about 7 inches high and the base is 3x2½ inches and for being 87-plus years old, it is in great shape. There are a few pinhole-sized spots here and there (very few). The tip of his nose has a slight blemish, but all in all the condition is superb! The coloration is perfection personified! He wears the brown shirt of the Kampzeit (Struggle for Power); even his famous eye perception is amazingly brought forth. The back of the bust has the artist’s logo signature. Schmidt-Hoffer produced many personality figures in his Berlin studio. He died in 1925, but the company that he founded continued to use his facsimile signature on its products, which included bronze, zinc, and evidently plaster, as well, or so it seems. In any case, this is a handsome little bust and still inexpensive today.






The Geburtstag house in the 1930s treated as a very special place.


The house present day until the government vandals pull it down.

Pocket Mirror that Depicts the Birth House of Adolf Hitler in Braunau am Inn, Austria (Item AH 31-7; NSD 22-9)

DESCRIPTION: This is one the mirrors from a collection in Nuremberg, Germany. Until we managed to buy this collection of six pieces, these mirrors were extremly rare and still are. This being one of the pieces is probably the most desirable of all. It depicts the house in which Adolf Hitler was born near the Austrian-German border. A view of the house is depicted and under it the wording "UNSERES FÜHRERS GEBURTSSTATTE IN BRAUNAU AM INN"–"Our Leader's Birthplace in Braunau am Inn." The mirror's obverse side is in great shape, but the reflective mirror looks like it might have been replaced at some time in the past; however, it’s holding fine but shows some minute chips along the edges. It measures almost three inches in diameter and is very impressive looking and is obviously an important historic relic that makes a statement. It would have been a demonstration by the patriotic lady of her faith in her leader and his party and Deutschland!

PRICE: $650.00




"Heil, Hitler."





NSDAP Mirror with Salute to Adolf Hitler (Item AH 31-8; NSD 22-10)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the pieces that we bought out of a very special, private European collection. Until we managed to buy this collection of six pieces, these mirrors were extremly rare and still are. As mentioned in the ones listed above they are attractive items carried in the purses of patriotic N.S.-oriented women as a "tell the world" trinket that demonstrates the ladies' political sentiments in defiance of the Red Front and reactionary forces. This one in particular made no bones about it along with the early N.S eagle, pre-Machtergreifung style of the late 1920s. This eagle was exactly the type seen on the kepis of the SA Brown Shirt Troopers. The motto seen is the blatantly proud: "Heil Hitler!" and our dear lady says to the world, "I hope it does not offend you, but if it does, then tell it to the SA!" The reflective mirror portion seems a bit loose and has some tiny chips along its edges, but the obverse with eagle and statement are in fine condition. The mirror measures a little over 2 inches in diameter. This is a true original Kampzeit article of historic importance.

PRICE: $450.00
















Special Edition of the Official NSDAP Newspaper I.B. Illustrierter Beobachter (Illustrated Observer) Published by the Franz Eher Verlag in Munich (Item AH 31-9; NSD 22-14)

DESCRIPTION: Miraculously, here is very probably one of the only editions ever published of this chronicle that surely is the saga that is an ultra-important time in German History in this condition. We say “miraculous” because of the obvious fragility of this type of newspaper. This was specially issued on November 14, 1935, almost 86 years ago. It is more than remarkable that it survived that long. The issue is special in that it is a pictorial chronicle of the “Beer Hall Putsch” that took place on November 8-9, 1923. This became a yearly, almost sacred, reenactment by the original participants including Adolf Hitler, and this journal made a special edition that covered the history of that event in vivid pictures. See in our images the cover with special red band, removable attachment with words proclaiming the event title and announcing that there are pictures of the events in this edition—and pictures there are! Dozens of them!); very great and dramatic photo coverage. The edition is complete with the Putsch memories being at least half the content. This is an archival treasure without any doubt. It’s in very good condition with very minor edge-of-page wear. Some of the inner pages are loose and somewhat unattached, but all there and good! I doubt that there would be one of these special issues in this condition even internationally.

PRICE: $135.00


Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Children Book

Very Special Children’s Schoolbook on the Life and Career of Adolf Hitler
Wonderful Illustrations and Printed in N.S. Aryan Script
(Item AH 31-10; RAREBOOK 2-27)

DESCRIPTION: We can’t stress enough the rarity of this beautiful book. When the Third Reich was finally murdered, the very first act of the victors’ Denazification Program was the removal and subsequent burning of all books, posters, and writings reminiscent of the N.S. Reich–especially in the schools. The job was so effectively thorough that in almost all cases not a single such schoolbook survived this terrible conflagration. The book that we are fortunate enough to offer is a Schul-Ausgabe (special school edition or output). The printing that can for the most part cannot be read by modern German graduates is called Sütterlin script and was taught in the schools in the time of the Third Reich. The N.S. educators referred to it as Aryan script. The title of the book translates from the Sütterlin script to A True story The book was published in Stuttgart in 1936. This was a very special edition that would remain in the classroom and it would be a teaching guide that was read aloud by the instructor while pictures from a slide projector with the same scenes were shown to the children. The book itself was put before certain students that wanted to write various theses on the subject and the theme was the life of the Führer Adolf Hitler. We are practically certain that thousands of these books were put to the fire, but this one was snatched by a G.I. (one of the destroyers) as his war trophy! He kept it in good order over these some 75 years or so and for this we are grateful, as you should be if you are fortunate enough to become its owner. There is a copy of it in the special collections in the libraries of the University of Washington; Juvenile Literature Section.

The Book

It is an artistic, pictorial work that chronicles the career of Germany’s leader Adolf Hitler from the time of his childhood in Braunau am Inn, Austria. It then tells about his favorite childhood pastimes playing soldier and reading military histories. It traces his excellence in schooling, his penchant for painting (watercolors) and sketching. It goes into his deep spiritual reverence and the sad loss of his parents. He especially loved and adored his mother. He also loved Germany and many times longingly looked across the border. So after a long sojourn in Vienna where he met hunger and hardship he learned the virtue of labor and the value of courage, patriotism, and loyalty to one’s principles. When the great war began, he moved to Bavaria, Germany, and became a soldier in the Bavarian army and was assigned to the most dangerous duty that a soldier could do, a dispatch runner and in this role he actually managed to capture a whole French platoon with a ruse that he learned by his reading the Wild West books of Karl May. In this fabulous action he won the both the Iron Cross First Class and the Iron Cross Second Class. The illustrations show that shortly after that, he became temporarily blinded by gas at the Front and was hospitalized back in Germany and the pictures show him blinded while Red Revolutionaries were beginning their uprising against the Fatherland. Then the illustrations depict his speaking to members of the DAP (German Workers’ Party) on the subject of red revolution and why it must absolutely be crushed. Then after this, the name of the group becomes the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and we see our Adolf speaking to multitudes in the public arenas. Then there is a somber picture of the crosses of the martyred dead of the Putsch of November 9, 1923, before the Feldherrenhalle followed by a picture of a writing desk in a jail cell at Landsberg where Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. After this there is a page filled with party faithful with swastika flags as the party gains power. The last page celebrates the Machtergreifung (seizure of power 30 January 1933). Here we see the figure of the Führer in a hotel window receiving a torch light tribute from overjoyed followers. The pictures we have described are all presented in an excellence of taste that would hold the innocent child’s interest and fascination and put forward in a fashion that the young folk would not only enjoy, but share with youthful enthusiasm and an incessant desire to learn more about the NSDAP and what it meant to them as potential future party members. It was a learning masterwork. The book is in extra-fine condition throughout, and measures 8¼ x 11½ inches. Propaganda? Yes, but in its day it would have been considered beneficial propaganda with proper agenda forthwith. Rare. Very rare!

Below is a short then-and-now video of Austria during Hitler's youth:

PRICE: $750.00


Hitler Watercolors

Hitler Watercolors

Hitler Watercolors

Hitler Watercolors

Hitler Watercolors

Hitler Watercolors

Aquarelles by Adolf Hitler (Item AH 31-11)

DESCRIPTION: This is what Germans would call a "Mappe." It is a hardcover portfolio with four cardboard flaps inside and under these flags are seven fine reproductions of "aquarelles" (watercolors) that were painted by Hitler during WWI. The paintings were originally done by the future Führer depicting Western Front battle scenes between 1914 and1917. They are shown in full color on high-quality art paper, each one protected by a sheet of parchment paper. The portfolio is in quite good condition. This was produced by a small company known as Avalon Books and we understand that this aquarelle set was a special project where they made an accurate reproduction of the original Mappe produced by Heinrich Hoffmann in Munich in 1935. There is an original copy in the Library of Congress, # 383460392. The one we offer is in fine condition. It was produced in the mid 1950s and is quite rare, today. The size is 9 x12 inches.

PRICE: $350.00


The ladies loved their Führer.


Genuine feminine love!





Hitler with Winifred Wagner at Bayreuth

Geli Raubal: Hitler's true love

The Bechsteins with Hitler in 1934

Eva Braun: faithful onto death

Hitler with Winifred Wagner

Helene Hanfstaengl: saved Hitler's life

Elsa Bruckmann with billionaire husband in later life; she was a chief supporter

Inner NSDAP Award for a Woman (Item AH 31-12; NSD 22-16)

DESCRIPTION: Within the inner sanctum of the NSDAP in the early formation period long before the ascending to power that came with the "Machtergreifung," Hitler and his party were totally dependent upon private financial support. We know that he vastly admired women and they were known to love him even to the point of enchantment, and seemingly even more than many of his loyal male followers, and especially in those early days when he was generally considered a wild-eyed radical. Unfortunately, some of the women who actually got close to him became suicidal when the affairs were cut short and when he made it clearly known that his priority was Germany and that he was "married" to its ideals and destiny. Robert A. Johnston covers this thoroughly and competently in his book, Gun of Destiny. A bevy of prominent women offered and managed to introduce Hitler to Bavaria's high society. The main female contributor was Helen Bechstein, the wife of Edwin Bechstein who was the famed piano maker and multimillionaire with connections to other extremely wealthy personages who contributed to Hitler and the fledgling N.S. Party such as Elsa Bruckmann, the wife of a publishing magnate. Of course there was Winifred Wagner, Richard Wagner's English-born daughter-in-law. Among the woman with close ties to Hitler, Helene Hanfstaengl, played a special role, which included possibly saving his life (see Gun of Destiny by R. Johnston). Well known in Hitler's love life is the tragic incident with Geli Raubal, and finally the suicide of the loyal Eva at his side in the bunker in 1945. Most of the women in Hitler's court never wavered in their devotion to him and the Third Reich. In particular, Winifred Wagner was one of the ladies that continued to proudly proclaim their loyalty to Hitler and when interviewed after the war when some people denied their previous enthusiastic support for him, Frau Wagner proclaimed earnestly her steadfast admiration and love for the Führer and her true friend! Adolf Hitler certainly was the ladies' man.

The Award

The piece is comprised of a portrait depiction of Adolf Hitler in the forefront of the medallion. It's an obvious likeness of Adolf Hitler and to his side in the background there is an outline image of another person who likely is Reich president Paul von Hindenburg who in 1933 conferred the office of Chancellor on the future Führer. We think this piece is pre-1933 and was a token gift to women who were so magnanimous to the party and their leader when they needed it so much. The typical German eagle as used very early by the party is seen at the top and its claws clutch the silver-colored cross with its oak-leaf-motif trim the center of which features the portraits. The backside is quite plain in brass and right at the area of the eagle's head is a jump ring fitted for a chain suspension. The medallion is about 2¾ inches in length with the eagle's wingspan of about 2 inches. The piece is in fine condition with all the gold "gilt" intact. This is a handsome token of heartfelt thankfulness for loyalty to the destiny of the NSDAP.

PRICE: $850.00; Extremely rare!



Photograph of Hitler

Original Snapshot of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 31-13)

DESCRIPTION: We purchased this 4½ x 3½-inch photograph from a lady at a flea market in Stuttgart, Germany. It has the typical ragged edges of first-run 1930s edges of album photos of this type pictures as they developed. A later German collector put it in a photo album and wrote on its back the information that the flea market lady had told her and that was that this photo had been taken in 1937 by her mother who was security cleared and was able to get that close to achieve this great photo of (Unser Führer). The seller told her that the photo was taken on Hitler’s visit to the Hamburg Barracks of the SS-Germania Standarte. Close-up civilian photos of Der Führer are quite rare, especially this close. In the rear seats are Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg and Admiral Erich Raeder.



Eva Braun Gift
Image taken in same year as gift was presented.

Eva Braun Gift

Eva Braun Gift
Image taken in same year as gift was presented.

Eva Braun Gift

Eva Braun Gift

Eva Braun Gift

Heinrich Himmler Presentation Box to Eva Braun on Her Birthday (Item AH 31-14)

DESCRIPTION: This small-but-impressive silver box is a birthday present from Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler to Eva Braun and is engraved as such: “FRL. BRAUN ZUM GEBURSTAG 6.2.42 /s/ H Himmler.” The bottom of the box has the stylized mark “FHW,” the maker’s hallmark for Franz & Hermann Wandinger, which was a silversmith firm much favored by the Führer and other dignitaries. This has been confirmed in the book by Mark D. Griffith, M.D., Collector's Guide to "Liberated" Adolf Hitler Memorabilia. The iconic Eva Braun butterflies are there, as is the striking stylized “EB” and Himmler’s touch with the mobile swastikas. The mobile swastika was much favored by women for jewelry and other decorative items during the Third Reich. The lion’s feet give the case a gothic look. It has a red-velvet lining and was obviously used as there are indentions in the material. It measures 7 x 4 inches and is a little over an inch thick. It’s in perfect condition and very reasonably priced.



Hitler Silver Box

Hitler Silver Box

Hitler Silver Box

Hitler Silver Box

Hitler Silver Box

Adolf Hitler Silver Box (Item AH 31-15; NSD 22-21)

DESCRIPTION: Before you make a leap of faith and believe this was the actual property of Adolf Hitler, let me enlighten you. These were common in the Reich and graced the desks of government officials. They are not super rare, but are in the rare category. They probably made good pen-and-pencil boxes, or were used for stamps, etc. They are most impressive as they should be: top with the Adolf Hitler eagle with swastika and “AH.” The inside has been replaced with felt. It is 6½ x 4 x 2 inches wide. It is by the famous Bruckmann silversmiths favored by Adolf Hitler and so hallmarked, and has the “800” silver stamp.

PRICE: $3,500.00


Hitler Table Linens

Hitler Table Linens

Hitler Table Linens

Adolf Hitler Luncheon Napkin (Item AH 31-16)

DESCRIPTION: Made of fine linen, these luncheon napkins are not as fancy as the dinner ones, which have a flowered embedded texture. When opened it measures 12 x 12 inches. It has a slight smudge on the back otherwise is in excellent condition with the handsome AH eagle and swastika well displayed. These napkins are getting rarer as time goes by. “AH” plate is not included, but is sold elsewhere on this site.



Eva Braun Silverware

Eva Braun Silverware

Eva Braun Silverware

Eva Braun Silverware

Eva Braun Silverware

Eva Braun Silverware (Item AH 31-17; Third Reich Tableware 1-3; HITLER FLATWARE 1-21)

DESCRIPTION: Eva Braun items are probably the most forged of all Third Reich memorabilia and have had quite a run for the last few years. However, legitimate items are still available, but rare—you really need to know what to look for. Here we have two bona fide items having belonged to Eva, with what appear to be a pickle fork and a large spoon. What makes these different? Two major revelations: the stylized initials “EB” is one. The other is that Eva loved butterflies and would incorporate that design into her monograms. Look at the “EB,” here .Forgers go to great lengths to actually produce a connected “EB” to make it appear more like a butterfly, but rarely do the following:. The letters are not connected as the forgeries are, while here we have a gap so that the eye can discern a butterfly pattern yet distinctly see her initials. But the real giveaway is the “B.” See the long extension of the “B,” the tail of it so to speak? Forgers do not go to that much trouble. But, if they do, they do not execute the other revealing identification—the Bruckmann maker’s mark. Bruckmann was Adolf Hitler’s favorite silversmith. They would have to find a period Bruckmann piece and enhance it. This is also an “800” silver piece and forgers just can’t match up all the credentials. The Bruckmann company was in business from the 1870s to 1973. It really never recovered from the war, sold to another firm, and finally went bankrupt. Newer pieces don’t carry the updated hallmarks nor the silver content of the 1930s and 40s, which makes another distinguishing telltale sign of the forged items as they have to find a “blank” piece of silverware from the time, which is hard to do. Albert Speer was Eva’s closest friend at the Berghof and he said, “Eva Braun is especially delighted in showing off her new patterns at any opportunity, frequently using a different pattern at each place of the table and asking her quests which patterns they preferred.” He also designed her famous monogram. The lettering was similar to his own silverware pattern. She used other high-end silversmiths, as well, as shown in James A. Yannes’ The Encyclopedia of Third Reich Tableware. She loved silverware and there are still some good, authentic pieces out there. It’s just a matter of finding them and being able to distinguish the real from the fantasy.




Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Reichskanzlei (Chancellery) State Silver Tea Service (Item AH 31-18; Third Reich Tableware 1-4; HITLER FLATWARE 1-22)

DESCRIPTION: Here, we are offering a creamer along with a teapot. These were made by the famous Wellner silversmiths and were the standard Wellner design for hotels and cruise lines and the Adolf Hitler tea sets that were at Obersalzberg and the Führerbau as well as his Munich apartment. Pictures of the Hitler set are shown in Mark D. Griffith’s book Reich State Silver and you will notice that the pieces listed here are identical to the Hitler tea service. Only difference is the eagle—an “A” is on one side of the eagle and the “H” on the other, while these have the “R” on one side of the eagle and the “K” on the other standing for Reichskanzlei–Reich Chancellery. These two items are in mint condition with a beautiful patina as they have not been polished to reflect their age, but of course can be—that will be left to the buyer. Truly, the ability to find these items is fading as collectors cling to their treasures with pride. They will only appreciate in value both monetarily and historically. If you can imagine Hitler and Third Reich dignitaries at a state dinner pondering over the vicissitudes of the war while using these you would be right on the mark. Decorate your next dinner table with a glorious piece of history! These are genuine Third Reich mementos.ter of finding them and being able to distinguish the real from the fantasy.



Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Serving Piece from Hitler’s Favorite Hotel, Der Deutsche Hof Hotel in Nuremberg (Item AH 31-19; HITLER FLATWARE 1-23; Third Reich Tableware 1-5)

DESCRIPTION: The Deutsche Hof was the hotel where Adolf Hitler and all the high party members stayed during the days of the Reich Party Days rallies in Nuremberg. The NSDAP headquartered here and it became known infamously later as the “Nazi” hotel. It was here that Hitler stood at the balcony viewing his troops as they passed in review so often portrayed in vintage newsreels. The hotel ordered all tableware to carry the symbol of the NSDAP, the swastika within a wreath. Many items had the “Der Deutsche Hof” imprinted as well, as you seen on the tea pot. Our teapot is well used, a good sign, but in excellent condition with a lovely patina. It is six inches high and bears the liter mark of “0,23L; “858” probably a model number on the lid’s underside and the maker’s mark of “GEBR.HEPP 90” for Gebrüder Hepp”—the latter number designating it is silver plated. Liberals in Germany have sought to destroy the hotel as it was a tourist attraction for those wanting to stay in the “infamous” room Hitler occupied. Right now, most of it has been renovated and made into offices in the last 10 years. I was one of the last to stay in the “infamous” room and it was a very poignant moment to experience the feeling of being where history was being made. Stepping out on the balcony, you could see the German Army at its best march by!

PRICE: $2,000.00


Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Another Fine Piece of Tableware from Der Deutsche Hof, Hitler’s Hotel in Nuremburg (Item AH 31-20; HITLER FLATWARE 1-24; THIRD REICH TABLEWARE 1-5A)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a very demure, seldom seen, what appears to be a personal creamer for the table. It has all the attributes of the set above with “0,05” for the liter capacity. “Der Deutsche Hof” is well marked as it the “GEBR. HEPP 90” manufacture’s logo. It is in perfect condition having not been polished, so has a beautiful patina.

PRICE: $500.00


Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Adolf Hitler Formal Silverware (Item AH 31-21; HITLER FLATWARE 1-25; THIRD REICH TABLEWARE 1-14)

DESCRIPTION: This is something that is indeed, becoming more scarce than hen’s teeth! But we have just obtained these after months of trying to locate some.
Knife is 9¾ inches
Fork, 7 inches
Spoon, 5¾ inches
All are in excellent condition with all the proper markings as the rest we have listed.

PRICE: $2,400.00; each piece


Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Hitler Silverware

Three Pieces of Hitler Informal Silverware (Item AH 31-22; HITLER FLATWARE 1-26; THIRD REICH TABLEWARE 1-15)

DESCRIPTION: Beautiful silverware with all the appropriatae hallmarks. Knife is 8 inches long; large spoon, 7½ long; and the smaller spoon, 5¾ long.

PRICE: Each piece $1,800.00, or all three for $5,000.00


Hitler Standard

Hitler Standard

Hitler Standard

Hitler Standard

Hitler Standard

Reproduction Führer Standard (Item AH 31-23; REPLICA FLAGS 1-12)

DESCRIPTION: These flags are most remarkable for several reasons. Years ago, a distributor approached a noted manufacturer of high-end embroidery and wanted to emulate as close as possible the flags of the Third Reich. He accomplished his task. This remarkable flag is constructed with nearly the same threads, silk, and file weave, hand embroidered, which is why they are hard to keep in stock; the manufacturer has told me that there is usually a 5-7-week wait. The Third Reich 1939 Flaggenbuch shows the flag, being the first one of Hitler’s personal standards, so, indeed, this is a remarkable re-creation that turns the heads of the collectors. The gold bullion makes the eagles precise and highly detailed, appearing 3-dimensional as do the oak leaves surrounding the swastika. This is work that’s hard to obtain today. It's perfect for display against a wall or free hanging as it's double sided with a place at the top to slip a rod through. These flags are not flimsily made, but with tight sewing. The manufacture makes many flags and uniforms from all militaria genre for museums and collectors alike. These flags are so well done that unfortunately they are sold as real by unscrupulous dealers or people just believing they are real. I am speaking from experience when approached by them; however, when I tell them they are new they usually don’t believe me because the workmanship is so well executed; they don’t believe it's contemporary, but done in the Third Reich where perfection in flags and uniforms was a demand. It’s a bold 24 x 24 inches that will look impressive wherever you place it for your historical statement.



Hitler Street Sign

Hitler Street Sign

Hitler Street Sign

Hitler Street Sign

Beautiful Adolf Hitler Street Sign (Item AH 31-24)

DESCRIPTION: In wonderful condition, this enameled "Adolf-Hitler-Straße" sign is one of the most coveted. It's an impressive 24 inches wide x 13 inches high. It has some scratches, but the white in the enamel is not affected and has no dings, which usually cause rusting in the lettering; It has the rusted holes where it was ripped off buildings, though. It must've taken some effort to do this, which shows you just how much time GIs had on their hands(!). However, this one came right from Germany so it must've been taken down by locals or officials. It's a vaulted sign whereas the reproductions are always flat, therefore, its authenticity is not questioned. Getting them in this pristine condition is getting harder to do.

PRICE: $2,200.00


Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Japanese Edition of Mein Kampf (Item AH 31-25; JAP 3-21; RAREBOOK 2-29)

DESCRIPTION: This rare find is not a word-by-word translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but rather a combination of his book and a biography of Adolf Hitler; therefore, unlike regular copies of Mein Kampf, this edition contains pictures and comes with its rare slipcase. This is a seldom-seen publication and an unusual addition for every Mein Kampf collection. It was written by the Japanese author Kenswawada, and published in Japan in 1940.

PRICE: $1,850.00*


Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf


Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf

Book Mein Kampf (Item AH 31-26; RAREBOOK 2-33)

DESCRIPTION: Mein Kampf (My Struggle), of course, is Adolf Hitler’s autobiography and political manifest. The copy that is offered for sale here is a nice copy of the rare NSDAP Party Membership People’s Edition published in 1939 by the central publishing house of the NSDAP, Franz Eher, Nachf. in Munich, Germany. This version was given to new NSDAP party members. It has a dedication by Rudolf Hess to remind new party members they have a responsibility to Germany. The dedication page is stamped with the eagle and swastika insignia. It comes with the rare original dust jacket. The People’s Edition was smaller in size than the earlier editions. In fact, it now had the same size as a standard German bible. This was no coincidence; the Nazi’s goal was that Mein Kampf would eventually replace the bible in every German household.

PRICE: $895.00*


Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor


Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book Hitler's Rise to Chancellor

Book on Adolf Hitler's Rise to Chancellor of the Reich (Item AH 31-27; RAREBOOK 2-40)

DESCRIPTION: Ein Volk steht auf, 53 Tage nationaler Revolution (A Nation Rises - 53 Days of National Revolution) is an extremely rare NS book: a heavily illustrated photo documentary of the 53 days leading up to the day Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany by German President Paul von Hindenburg. This First Edition was published in 1933 by Rowohlt Verlag in Berlin (still in business today). The 120 photos in this book are not half-toned in the regular way (with a dot pattern), but are printed by a method called rotogravure, which produces something that looks somewhat more like a photograph. The back of the book has punched holes on the back cover indicating it was a library book.

PRICE: $1,200.00*


Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great
Johann Gottfried Schadow

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Porcelain of Frederick the Great

Exquisite Porcelain Statue of Frederick the Great with his Dogs (Item AH 31-28; FRED 4-13; ART 18-27)

DESCRIPTION: This is a sculpture that was executed by one of the finest artists of Prussia, Johann Gottfried Schadow (1764-1850). He was very famous for his highly detailed sculptures of famous people and he made the centerpiece of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. This porcelain was manufactured by the Thuringian (Rudolstadt Volkstedt) porcelain factory in 1945 being inscribed “nach Schadow’ or "after Schadow" on the base. That it was produced during the Third Reich is perhaps the resurgence of popularity Frederick the Great had being the favorite of Hitler, who had a painting of him in his office. There was also a very quality movie produced about him during the Third Reich. (One wonders if Hitler also had a copy of this famous porcelain.) Frederick the Great was very fond of his whippet hounds and the two shown here are Alcmene and Hasenfuss, their names on their collars. He had his dogs buried next to him. This porcelain stands an impressive 30 inches tall by 15-inches square at the base. The porcelain had a limit of 495 issues. The maker's mark is hard to pick up as it has bled during the molding so is not shown. It is in excellent condition; however, one of the dog’s tails in missing. His cane is of wood and removable. Usually, things like this are the first to be lost. The detail is just amazing; from his medals to his sword, the uniform, even his hat and gloves AND the artist placed little paw prints in the base! Schadow was well known for his realism and this piece definitely displays that. This is a rare opportunity to own a prestigious piece of art with a wonderful historical past.

PRICE: $8,000.00


Metal Sign

Metal Sign


Metal Sign

Metal Sign

Metal Sign

Völkischer Beobachter Advertising Sign (Item AH 31-28; NSD 22-30)

DESCRIPTION: "Völkischer Beobachter" means "People’s Observer." This enameled sign advertises the NSDAP newspaper that is labeled Die Zeitung des Führers (Daily News of the Führer). These signs came in different variations—we show another that we sold years ago—and are hard to come by now. This one is not pristine, showing signs of rust. It is conjectured that someone took potshots at it, thus producing the invasion of rust in the holes. You can feel the slight raising of the letters and eagle, so its authenticity is assured.

PRICE: $795.00


Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records
Plate 1, Front Label

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records
Plate 1, Back Label

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records
Plate 1, Front, Detail of Rub

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records
Plate 1, Back, Detail of Scratch

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records
Plate 2, Front Label

Hitler Speeches on Vinyl Records
Plate 2, Back Label

Original LP Records of Some of Adolf Hitler's Speeches (Item AH 31-29; NSD 22-32)

DESCRIPTION: Well, of all the things we have encountered through the years, this HAS to be among the rarest! These two LPs are recordings of speeches of the Führer. The two records are entitled " AUFRUF AN DAS DEUTSCHE VOLK " translated, "Call to the German People." They are in excellent condition; although one has a blemish, but probably still playable. This would be an extraordinary and unique Third Reich article to add to a collection. LP players are still available, and if you are a reenactor, what a touch this would make to your gatherings! For the history student, this is an audio glimpse of a crucial time in history.

PRICE: $1,500.00*


Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Prost allerseits! The Putsch (Item AH 31-30; NSD 22-35; SS 38-44; THIRD REICH TABLEWARE 1-24)

DESCRIPTION: November 8 & 9, 1923, saw a pivotal moment in history that started when Adolf Hitler shot into the ceiling of the Bürgerbräukeller to start his Putsch in Munich in an attempted takeover of the Weimar Republic. It was a failure which saw the deaths of 15 National Socialists, four policemen, and a bystander. The event was memorialized with a yearly tribute to the fallen once Hitler finally had control of the government in the election which put him there. However, the Bürgerbräu was ground zero for the Putsch and became famous for that. The Münchener Bürgerbräu was the scene of many of the major participants during the movement, then the march and then with the Hitler Regime hoisting this iconic mug in tribute. It's an understatement that this is a rare item; it is a MAJOR RARE ITEM in Third Reich collectibles! After the war, the inglorious Allies used the restaurant as their meeting ground. A newspaper article here with picture is shown of the troopers enjoying "dunking donuts" in the mugs. The article reads as follows:

DUNKING IN HITLER’S MUGS: In 1923 the scene of Hitler’s beer hall putsch, this ARC canteen now serves as a popular meeting place for GIs who dunk doughnuts in the beer mugs once used to toast the Führer. L to R: Sgt. Alex Henig, Brookly: PFC Dante D. Sampreal, Mt. Kisco, NY; Y/4 Edward Karp, Norwalk, Va; M/Sgt Ray Bower, Jacksonville, Fla. Standing: Barbara Bowlemy-Nolevoke, Mass, one of the ARC workers on the canteen staff, and T/5 Rollen L. Koens, Bucyrus, Ohio.

Now, if you really believe that American GIs just dunked donuts in these heavy beer mugs, you have another think coming! At night, I'm betting they made the transition to beer! Nonetheless, the mug has the maker’s mark of the Reinhold Merkelbach pottery company. And for a real irony, the mark is the one they used from 1882-1933: an "RM" with a Star of David in the background(!) Now, the Star of David was an ancient symbol used by many other people and even a sword manufacturer in England, so if the company was founded by Jews back in 1843, when they were established, I have no idea. The mug is in excellent condition except for one thing—the top is missing. The hole in the handle is there, but the top is not. That does not detract from its historical value one bit! It is 5 inches high and 4 inches wide and holds 0.5 liter. This is one of the last of the symbols that identified a major part of world history.

PRICE: $1,200.00





Official Third Reich Thermometer (Item AH 31-31; NSD 22-36)

DESCRIPTION:They always said that wherever Hitler went to appear before the people, there was good weather, hence the term "Hitler Weather" came to be any day whose weather was good. This special thermometer was on hand to record those special days! But what really makes it special is the stamp of approval down below by the N.S.D.A.P. A business in the Third Reich could not display the swastika on any adverting unless it had Party approval as is shown here. This was a newspaper office, the Kreis Zeitung—District Newspaper—stating they are a single newssheet for everyone of the same mindset and of course that means being a National Socialist. The owner's name is down below. This is a quality enameled piece that Germans were so good at creating and given its age it is in immaculate condition. They probably gave these out to customers as is still done today. We cannot really tell if the mercury is still active; that may be the only real problem with it. It's 12 x 2½ inches. This rarity is truly a wonderful edition to any collection.

PRICE: $650.00









Most Unusual Piece of Trench Art Ever! (Item AH 31-32; WEHR 35-27; SS 38-46)

DESCRIPTION:Well, what we have here is actually an well-painted German helmet with Third Reich themes. In fact, it is extremely well painted by a contemporary artist named "Jatving JK." He is an accomplished artist painting with meticulous detail. We cannot find anything about him other than he also did a WWI helmet that had sold. He took a German helmet and coated it inside and out to execute the painting process and turning his helmet canvas into a most impressive piece of artwork. Soldiers are shown on each side and as you can see in the images; he didn’t miss any details in their uniforms, the tank, their faces, etc. But the front of the helmet is adorned with the Führer from one of the famous paintings of him in exquisite detail. This cameo portrait is as good or even better than the small, portrait paintings done of Hitler during the Reich. The bullet hole at the top was probably self-executed by the artist to lend a serious, but morbid, detail to the entire scene. We don’t promote the selling of any helmet—German or Ally—with this, but the fine artwork transcends any polemics against Germans. There is no animosity or hatred shown here as we are not talking about a satire of Germans, but just the opposite. His WWI helmet showed the same historical tribute. It's signed by the artist inside. I am really stymied by the artwork. I have sold many wonderful artworks done by Russian painters and this is similar in style and detail. So, if anyone knows anything about this enigmatic artist, please contact us. I can’t help but think that the paintings of this artist will truly be highly desired collector items in the future. For the really novel and unusual Third Reich tribute, this helmet has it all.

PRICE: $2,200.00


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or call at 706.782.1668.

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