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Please be sure to visit our Kaiser Wilhelm II
Silver Medal or Medallion (Item KMEDAL 1-1)
DESCRIPTION: This seems to be a very early 1700's award from old Prussia. It has no wording, but bears the Frederick-style eagle that perches upon a shield with a tree trunk depicted. Oak leaves emit as branches. The medal has the Maltese-style cross in the center of a star-shaped background. It is quite heavy and is definitely all silver with "800" and moon and crown stamping plus a logo of some kind. Just from its fine quality we assume it must have some importance. Elegant looking and the design seems to be hand engraved.
$195.00 SOLD
Prussian Medal, Order of the Crown (Item KMEDAL 1-2)
DESCRIPTION: Founded on the day of his coronation by Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia, October 18, 1861. The medal came in five classes for outstanding civil or military merit. This one is in top shape with enamel intact and bright gilt color in fine shape.
The Southwest Africa Expedition Medal (Item KMEDAL 1-3)
DESCRIPTION: This medal was founded in 1907 in bronze and steel for award to troops who participated in quelling the native insurrections in German Southwest Africa between 1904 and 1906 (Negro riots). The medal in steel was given to combatants and those who supported the war effort such as the movement of troops and supplies to and from the war zone. The medal's obverse depicts a bust portrait of Germany's Germania. Medal is in fine condition with original ribbon.
Bavarian War Veterans' Medal (Badge), Bayerischer-Landes Kreiger Verein) (Item KMEDAL 1-4)
DESCRIPTION: A beautiful medal in silver and blue enamel for commemoration to veterans who served the Bavarian homeland in WWI. Stamped with maker on the back-"Deschler," the finest of makers of medals. One of the nicest designed medals of the postwar period. It's in fine condition.
Braunschweig Medal (Item KMEDAL 1-5)
DESCRIPTION: This is quite an interesting badge. We do not think it is an official award, but it is quite old and may have been a purchased badge for persons who fought in the Peninsula Campaign. It bears the skull similar to the official medals of Braunschweig for commemorating this campaign. The skull in the center gives that away along with the Peninsula Ribbon at the bottom. The black paint in the Maltese Cross is worn some, but the four-piece-construction badge, otherwise, is fine.
Kaiser's Guard's Badge/Game Warden (Item KMEDAL 1-6)
DESCRIPTION: This is a badge for a watchman in an official capacity in a community enterprise. To be exact. he is an honorable field custodian. This may be a game community, as hunting reserves were commonly called. This may be a game warden. In any case, his badge bears the stately Imperial eagle that was an official warrant from the Kaiser Wilhelm II. Very attractive, indeed, and large measuring 3 ¾ x 3 inches. The place he guarded was called Heerdt.
PRICE: $245.00
DESCRIPTION: An oval shaped medal, large 2 3/4 x 3 1/2 in silvered bronze with the Hohenzollern eagle in its center and the words "Deutsches Kaisereich" around it and 1871. On the back, the Griffen of the German state of Baden , 1870, and the words "Grossherzogthum Baden". This is an award given to a regiment in the name of the Kaiser and Herzog to recognize proficiency and dedication. Very Rare.
PRICE: $850.00
Prize for Bayonet Fencing (Item KMEDAL 1-10)
DESCRIPTION: This is a very unusual medal for German-American activities before the turn of the Twentieth Century. It is a first prize at the 4th Bundeskriegerfest, War Celebration (probably to commemorate Germany's great victory over France in the Franco-Prussian War). This was held in Cleveland, Ohio between the 8th and 22nd of August 1888 and this is the First Prize for bayonet fechter, bayonet fencing. On the front of the solid-silver medal are two spike-helmeted figures uniform "going at it" with rifle and bayonet. The men seem to be in actual 10-karet-gold overlaid, while there is a laurel wreath surrounding the action that is in the finest detail. This is a very unusual piece and historically very important for various and sundry reasons.
PRICE: $150
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