NSFK - NS Flying Corps
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The National Sozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK) was founded in 1932 as a replacement for the DLV Deutsches Luft Sport Verein and all other subordinate organizations. Placed at its head was a Korps Fuher- the first being a former merchant seaman and distinguished WWI Naval Airman and recipient of the Pour Le Merite, Freidrich Christiansen, who was given the rank of Generalleutnant in the Luftwaffe and was subordinated to the Reich minister for Air Travel. His privileged association with Herman Goring allowed him to climb rapidly during WW II; he was promoted to the rank of General Der Fleiger. The NSFK was made up with exclusive male members and was purely voluntary and, with some special exceptions, members could not have duel membership in the SA, SS, or NSKK. It was largely a part-time organization with only a small percentage of its members being full time paid personnel. As its name would suggest, the NSFK’s main concern was with flying. Paramilitary exercises (Wehrsport) were part of every NSFK man’s duty. Participation in competitive sport was highly encouraged and particular emphasis was placed on skiing, a sport which it was claimed was useful to a flier since it enhanced his sense of balance. By the time of the 1930’s Nuremberg congress and rally, where practically all the NSFK members were in attendance, there were 2,400 members. The NSFK was divided into three main sections:
Some of the greatest Luftwaffe pilots and crews that won fame in the European skies in WWII were former members of the NSFK. Much can be learned about this important corps within the NS system by reading the great reference book by John A. Angolia & David Littlejohn titled NSKK-NSFK Uniforms, Organization and History, printed by Roger James Bender (ISBN no 912138-56-4). Much can also be found on the web as well. |
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Magazine: Das NS-Flieger Korps Vol II Feb. 1942 (Item NSFK 1-1) |
DESCRIPTION: This is the section with numbered pages to 3` of the monthly magazine for members of the NSFK, National Socialist Flying Corps, 14 nice pictures and interesting text in German and it also has several charts and grafts. It also has an honor list of members who had gone active in the Luftwaffe who had lost their lives by 1942 in aerial combat. ur Fuhrer und Volk Starben (For Leader and people who have fallen). Nice condition, measures 8 x 12. Beautiful cover. With the official badge of the corps depicting Icarus in flight. Rare and important. PRICE: $80.00 |
Incredible and Historically Important Photo Album (Item NSFK 1-2; LUFT 23-10; ALBUM 4-21; SPECIAL SALES) |
DESCRIPTION: Here, without doubt, is the most fantastic, beautiful, and incredibly important Third Reich album ever offered. Most of the scenes chronicled in it are from the famed Deutschlandflug , an annual event sponsored by the German Air Sports (Deutscher Aero Club), a group within the NSFK Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps-(N.S. Flying Corps). This event featured flying from Berlin and around six German cities throughout the country in six days, covering more than 3,000 miles in an Arado L IIa, a two-seat, high-wing touring monoplane. Our information perceived is that the organization for sport flying was probably organized by WWI flying ace, Theodor Osterkamp. In the opening pages of the album is a great 9x7 photograph of some of the most famous WWII flyers as they gather in honoring the participants of the "Deutschlandflug 1937." Pictured are Ehard Milch and SA Chief Victor Lutze and several other personalities as they display the grand prize for this event. At this point and rather interesting is a tiny paper stamp with a swastika that has the message "Arierblut--höchstes Gut!" ("Aryan blood—the highest good!"). Right after that are various good-sized images of the 1937Reichsparteitag and then some pages of Gruppenführer meetings and N.S. political leaders’ conferences in Königsberg and Augsburg. After some great aerial views of the mighty Alps come a couple of wonderful photos of young NSFK lads with their gliders, then more NSFK members and gliders as well as group pictures of Mayday celebrations with swastikas, etc., celebrating World Flyer Day. This is viewed at the Dornier airplane works. There are several pages depicting this event in 1938. Most of these picture are large 9x7s, but then there are the small ones as well on the following pages. At this point we get into Deutschlandflug 1938 and it starts with a large 9x7 portrait of a flyer in his special flying gear getting ready for the flight. Pages following show pilots in similar special gear, and others meeting with Gauleiters and such other officials of state and Luftwaffe. There are several pages of these pictures chronicling this preparatory flight in 1938. Then we come to a 5x3½ photo chronicling high-ranking NSFK leaders attending a gravesite memorial for a fallen comrade. After this there are several 5x3½ pictures of a visit of the high leader (general officer) visiting the NSFK encampment. (He sure enjoys his beer!). There is also a large 9x7 photo of an even higher officer's visit. There are several more pictures of these officials in their visitations and the crystal-clear uniform visages are great! Most of the pictures mentioned in these later pages have to do with the NSFK Segelflug (glider flights). There are a couple of pictures labeled “Winterfest der Flieger 1939" and there is a really neat picture of General Osterkamp talking with a high-ranking Luftwaffe officer while in front of them there is a beer glass on the table with miniature NSFK flags used in celebrations. Many more such pictures follow up the events of this Christmas get-together. Following this are more 1939 events in smaller pictures. Many uniforms are seen in marches, ceremonies, with all very clear and beautiful photography in 4x3½ images. These are labeled "Gruppenaumarsch" and they are simply wonderful and if I may say so, “super sharp." Some of them show a rather portly, but distinguished diplomatic official reviewing some of the young NSFK members. The last page has a 6½x8 photo of high-ranking NSFK officers conversing with an equally high-placed Italian Air Force officer. In our opinion, here is one of the very finest Third Reich albums ever offered. The album cover is in fine condition and the photos are downright exemplary-plus!
Price $1,500.00 |
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