Third Reich Chancellory Militaria Collectibles

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I bet you think you know all about Adolf Hitler! Think again!
Here is a great book crammed full of rarely revealed facts now divulged in a comprehensive and immensely compelling revisionist narrative.
Please go here to read a review of
Gun of Destiny: Adolf Hitler's Smith & Wesson Revolver
by Robert A. Johnston.

Adolf Hitler

The New Reich Chancellery (Reichskanzlei)
Page 1

Of all the Third Reich buildings, this was the most important and prestigious housing of the N.S. State. It was called the new Reichskanzlei because “Reichskanzler” was the traditional name of the Chancellor of Germany, who was at that time Adolf Hitler and in the old Kanzlei building. Chancellor Bismarck before Hitler was the most important occupant of the former governmental structure. This was the absolute center of power for Hitler and his German people and of course, all the famous state leaders such as Goebbels, Himmler, Göring, Ribbentrop, et al., converged often to meet with the Supreme Leader. The new chancellery was described by Hitler as his “Words of Stone!,” since it was he who designed it. The building was completed in 1939. The Führer was ably assisted in the design by Reich Architect Albert Speer. Some 4,000 workers toiled in shifts and it cost 90 million Reichsmarks (equivalent to $339 million today). All the paramount decisions dealing with the war effort were made here, the building that had to be one of the most important, but also the most beautifully designed buildings in world history.

In this author’s opinion, its final destruction was illustrative in the Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler. It is a testimony to the process of decivilization as experienced by the so-called victors over Germany. The decline of Britain into a third-rate dump and the complete mindless personnel of many of Americans as who thought they had fought the “good war” now will see the meaning of the “chickens coming home to roost.” The whole phenomenon can be summed up as decivilization since the abject failure of what used to be western values and today the west appears to accelerate its Spenglerian decline (Did I hear the word ‘zombies’?)

Reich Chancellery Relics We recently acquired a great collection of various tableware that was formerly in the Reichskanzlei. Russians took some of it in their wild looting sprees in 1945, after their horrible, murderous onslaught in Berlin in April of that year. After this, on about April 20, the Russians and the Americans met at the town of Torgau on the Elbe River. At that time, looted items from the Ruskies, such as daggers, swords, and such items as these Reich Chancellery pieces, were exchanged mostly for American cigarettes. Some of the dining items were in pristine condition having been taken only weeks before this. Some of it showed some scarring from the heat of battle. A man approached us who collected Hitler personal items beginning back in 1947 and now being of advanced age he recently decided to sell much of his collection and we were fortunate enough to hear of this and we bought all the R.K. relics he had. Now we can offer them to collectors. Remember, a “Kanzlei” piece is just as desirable as an “A.H.” item in kitchen and dining pieces and possibly even rarer since there are many times more Adolf Hitler dining pieces than his chancellery items and the likelihood of his personal use of the “RK” items is much more assumed and probably assured. Most of these items are singular (usually one only!) when they are sold. It can practically be assured that another chance to acquire one is practically impossible! So, with particular pleasure we offer these Reich Chancellery items.




Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting
Tarnish can easily be removed

Silver Setting
The Wellner mark

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting
Interior of the Reich Chancellery

Silver Setting
Dining room at the Reich Chancellery

Silver Setting
Entrance to Adolf Hitler’s private chambers

Silver Setting
Interior of the Reich Chancellery

Silver Setting
Dining room at the Reich Chancellery

Gravy Server from the Berlin Reich Chancellery (Reichskanzlei) (Item CHANCE 1-1)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a high-dinner gravy boat that actually survived the horrible conflagration that enveloped the beautiful city of Berlin during the demonic invasion of the capital city in 1945. The screaming masses of Bolsheviks came on like homicidal locusts killing everyone in sight and utterly laying complete waste to centuries of cultural sites and monumental buildings; almost anything that had even partially survived the murderous bombing that rained down on the hapless civilian population. The horror bombing by the Communists and all-to-willing American and British bombing crews. This, in the writer’s considered opinion, was the prelude to the death of the West (Murder by the Soviet reds while all the while being ably assisted by the so-called democracies, which were quite content to allow the murder and rape performed by the red fiends to continue and win.)

The Gravy Server

This piece is formerly a part of the formal dinner service used at the Berlin Chancellery and it somehow survived the utter destruction of that gorgeous building. It was packed off by one of the Russian looters and hidden in his field pack. Later, he obviously met with an American “liberator” GI and for a couple of packs of Lucky Strikes, the gum-chewing American ended up with his souvenir gravy server. Had “Ivan” gotten it back to commieland, it would have been confiscated. So, he was probably tickled pink (red) with the smokes he got it for it. We have left it completely tarnished as it has been for over 74 years. Could it be cleaned? Yes. Without a lot of effort, it could be completely polished to be as bright as a new dime. We as a rule do not change the look of anything we consider historically important. We did however; polish up the Chancellery eagle stamping on the side that is the logo with the initials “RK” standing for “Reichskanzlei.” The eagle looks a lot like the one Adolf Hitler used on his tableware at the Berghof and this stands to reason as he was the Reich’s Chancellor. The other small spot we cleaned has the maker’s name on the bottom of the piece. This is the mark of “Wellner” with additional marks “40 cl.” and a deeply stamped number “30.” Wellner was the company that made practically all of Adolf Hitler’s tableware. On the inside of the bowl it looks like it has been near some rather intense heat, but this tiny bubbling effect does not detract from it at all. The attached tray bottom measures about 10 x 7 inches, while the server bowl measures about 10 inches long from the furthermost point of the handle to the tip of the spout and its cross-bowl dimension is about 4 inches (a good-sized serving accoutrement) for that high dinner. So, here is an actual piece of the glory of the Reich—tarnished, but present and accounted for preserved and now offered in this rather notable and significant survivor of the real holocaust against Europe and its traditional bulwark nation, Germany. “Heilege Deutschland.



The new Reich's Chancellery















Reich Chancellery Tableware, Reichskanzlei Besteck (Item CHANCE 1-2)

DESCRIPTION: Wow! Here is a spoon and fork from the Führer’s Berlin chancellery. This Neureichskanzlei was the building where all the most important state affairs were conducted. It was the official building for Adolf Hitler. It was also one of his official residences. The building was truly a masterpiece of colossal architecture. Albert Speer, the greatest of the Third Reich builders, and Hitler’s personal state architect, turned over the finished building on January 9, 1939. No building before or hence could compare to it for sheer beauty and utter magnificence. The master plan of the new Reich’s Chancellery was best felt by experiencing the room-to-room sequence. A tension-rich change took place at pleasant intervals; each room is completely individual in concept, yet all the rooms were linked by a close relationship and made fascinating by their individual paradoxes. They all perfectly served the concept of leading the visitor step by step to the Führer of the German people and the leader of the greater German Reich, in a dignified manner. The visitor was easily compelled as he goes to change his gait from strolling or walking to pacing and finally to a strut. This building was the technical rebirth of German majesty and Teutonic grandeur. The scale used to build the grand old castles was exceeded, not in splendor or special extension, but by an obviously more comprehensive spiritual attitude. Speer was the builder, but the Führer himself was the ultimate designer. Even stronger than the powerful façade of the new Reich Chancellery were the inner parts which exuded power and greatness and had definitely been birthed by a strong, self-confident era..? See the pictures of the Führer’s personal office and the actual candlesticks that we have. See Item AH 11-1. The silver dinnerware pieces we offer were the official Besteck, or flatware, from the Kanzlei. The Adolf Hitler formal-pattern silverware was used only when the Führer was to attend a dinner or luncheon personally. Otherwise, guests used the Reich Chancellery silverware. It’s far more scarce than the A.H. pieces since it was used only here, while the formal pattern with the familiar Hitler eagle, ‘A.H.,’ and Greek key pattern were used in several of his residences and was produced in the thousands. While it is said the R.K. pattern was used here, only Mussolini, Ciano, Chamberlain, Göring, Goebbels, and Himmler used this flatware when the Führer himself was not seated. This pattern almost never shows up probably one to a hundred of the A.H. formal patterns They are nowhere near as fine, but so much more scarce than the Führer’s personal pieces. The eagle pattern is similar between them but different. The eagles are actually finer in detail, but the absence of the Greek-key design makes the rest of the pieces rather plain. We are sure that this was purposeful so that the Führer’s Besteck would shine gloriously on the gala table when the German leader was present. The pieces are in ‘800’ silver (so marked). Also, the crown, the half moon, and Imperial-looking eagle are to be noted on each piece. Wellner may well have produced them while the formal pattern A.H. flatware was by Bruckmann. These are the dinner sized: 8 1/4 inches long. They show use, but are in extremely good condition. They are very historically important museum pieces. We prefer to sell them together.



Chancellery Serving Tray


Chancellery Serving Tray
The inventory number

Chancellery Serving Tray
The manufacturer's mark


Chancellery Serving Tray

Chancellery Serving Tray
New Reich's Chancery

Chancellery Serving Tray
Table set for lunch:
"Bring on the trays."

Chancellery Serving Tray
Entrance to the Fuhrer's office

Chancellery Serving Tray
Inside the Fuhrer's office


Chancellery Serving Tray
Formal conference table:
"Bring on the trays."

Chancellery Serving Tray

Chancellery Serving Tray

Chancellery Serving Tray


Reich Chancellery Serving Tray (Item CHANCE 1-3; Third Reich Tableware 1-7)

DESCRIPTION: Here, from the National Socialist Reichskanzlei, is an original platter of the type used by the Allgemeine-SS servers within the chancellery along with other service personal to bring soft drinks and alcoholic beverages to the Führer and his honored guests. This was one of the special Wellner serving pieces that made up the set of such items kept and used in this the most architecturally beautiful yet most important building of the Reich. There may have been 8 or 10 of these trays, but how many of them can be accounted for today? Was Hitler himself ever served from this particular tray brought by one of the nattily dressed SS guards? The odds would tend to say ‘yes,‘ even ‘indubitably yes,’ as the Fuhrer would several times a day summon natural mineral water or a hot chocolate drink that seemed to settle his nerves that were much more on edge here in the workplace than at the Obersalzburg, his place of rest. It was at the Obersalzberg that several more of these Wellner trays were stored and the only difference being that the ones at the mountain retreat have almost the same eagle motif but with “A H” for Adolf Hitler unlike the Chancellery pieces that have “R K” for Reichskanzlei. If you would like to know more about these rare pieces see the Reich’s Chancellery Meat Platter and Cover at AH 25-11. There you will see a meat platter from the Chancellery that we sold some time ago. The serving tray is every bit as important as the meat platter especially since the Führer was a vegetarian and probably would not have been at the table when meat was served. He didn’t smoke either but the Wellner silver service groups contain cigar and cigarette cases. Contrary to dubious biographer information Hitler was very liberal about such habits of his entourage and guests’ habits as long as they didn’t indulge in them in his presence. Alcohol was an exception and even though he didn’t indulge himself he never denied guests and comrades the chance to drink a cordial or a beer while conversing with him. So what does this say? Well, I think it is pretty much a cinch that this tray was one that Adolf Hitler surely would have been served from. The tray is very heavy and is made from Rostfrei-Stahl (stainless steel). It measures 15 ½ inches in diameter. It has the exclusive Hitler Chancellery eagle with the “R K” at its topmost quadrant. It has the Wellner stamp on its backside and a serial no. or identification number at the bottom edge-156524. Here is a wonderful relic of the turbulent time in history that existed for a short time and its eventual tragic fall probably signaled and prompted the terrible scenario that now exists in its wake. Author Patrick Buchanan refers to that in his prophetic book The Death of the West, but regardless of the fact that the four horsemen are now saddling up we as speak, we as custodians of history can still—for now—enjoy the rare relics of the past and reflect on these words ”Kein Volk lebt länger als die Dokumente seiner Kultur” “No people live longer than the documentation of their culture.” Here we offer a very significant document of a culture “Gone with the Wind.”

PRICE: $3,300.00


Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting
The Wellner mark

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Creamer from Hitler’s Reich Chancellery in Berlin (Item CHANCE 1-4)

DESCRIPTION: This is an original creamer from the table service at the Reich Chancellery. It was made by Wellner in Berlin and the piece has the Wellner stamp on the bottom. In its center front it has the particular Hitler eagle with swastika with the letters “R” and “K” on either side of the wreathed swastika. The creamer measures 3 inches high with a base diameter of 3¼ inches and the measurement across the top from the spout to the outer most part of the handle is 4½ inches. The condition is about mint, but needs light polishing (We don’t do that; we leave that to the buyer). The likelihood of the Führer’s having used these pieces is highly probable as he attended many formal dinners at the Reichskanzlei.



Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Silver Setting
The Wellner mark

Silver Setting

Silver Setting

Sugar Compote from Hitler’s Reich Chancellery (Item CHANCE 1-5)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the official pieces of tableware from the German Reich Chancellery in Berlin. It is part of a group that we acquired from the collection of a longtime collector. Chancellery items are often considered rarer than the “AH”-equivalent pieces by Wellner. This piece is plainly marked or stamped “Wellner” on the bottom. The piece stands about 4¼ inches high including the lift knob at the top. The base is about 3½ inches in diameter and the distance across the handles is about 6 inches. It would certainly shine up, but we don’t do that; we leave it to the buyer. The Hitler-style eagle and swastika are supported on each side with the “R” “K’ for Reichskanzlei.



Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter

Hitler Meat Platter
Wellnor, Manufacturer of platter
Hitler Meat Platter
Numbers on platter
Hitler Meat Platter
The RK Eagle
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
Bottom of platter
Hitler Meat Platter
The cover
Hitler Meat Platter
The eagle on cover
Hitler Meat Platter
The cover handle
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
The WMF markings on cover
Hitler Meat Platter
Underside of cover
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
The new Chancery
Hitler Meat Platter
Chancery from courtyard entrance
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
Luncheon table
Hitler Meat Platter
Dining room
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
Fuhrer's office entrance
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler Meat Platter
Hitler in courtyard
Reich Chancellory Meat Platter and Cover
 (Item CHANCE 1-6)

DESCRIPTION: What would be rarer than a meat platter from the Adolf Hitler table settings? You know, the ones by Wellner with the eagle and A.H. Answer: The same thing from the Reich’s chancery! Why? Because out of the very few of the A.H. ones there was probably a dozen or so because they would have been part of the dinner service at the Berghof. The Berchtesgaden Chancellery, The Braun house maybe! The Fuhrerbau in Munich and logically the Berchtesgadener Hof in that city. Plus the Eagles Nest (Kelsteinhaus) above the Berghof. Now! As for the Reichschancellory ones, we would assume that there could be only 8 or 10 at the most and more than likely less that that and after the Russian looters got through with the building -- how many could have survived? Thus, this is without a single doubt an extremely rare piece of history. And, it is in immaculate condition throughout. The platter is huge: 21 ½ inches long and 14 inches wide. The cover is 5 inches tall and 18 inces long and 11 inches wide. The platter is marked on its underside Wellner with an 82 stamp. Wellner was the maker of most of the Fuhre'rs formal dinnerware, except for the flatware and that was produced by Brückmann. The cover has a handle with stampings on it -- the large letters spell out W.M.F (Wurtemberger metal fabric) with a stamped 31 to the right of it and N S to the right inside  It has the stampings that say W.M F Geslingen-Steige.  On the outside middle of the cover is the Chancellory eagle engraved with the R and K on either side of the wreathed swastika .On the platter the same eagle and letters appear at the middle of the rim at 12:00. The platter and cover are in heavy nickle or brass deeply silver plated. The R K dinnerware from the Chancelry in Europe is actually much more sought after than the Adolf Hitler pieces that look exactly alike except that those are marked A.H., while the Chancellery pieces are marked R.K. The Hitler pieces show up much more often that these Neue Reichkanzeli ones. So, collector friends, you are looking at a very desirable Hitler connected relic that is profoundly important historically to say nothing about the fact that this will be a egregiously beautiful and dramatic display in any exceptional collection.  The piece has provenance with it and this is highly unusual. The dining set for Adolf Hitler contained a similar platter and cover but with A.H. instead of RK.  We do feel that this Reich Chancellery set is actually more rare than the Hitler one because it was only for the New Chancellery in Berlin. Some would call this a turkey platter but it would have been for any meat dish to include fish, ham, goose and turkey and no doubt for a succulent beef roast as well.  But strictly for the staff and honored guests not for the “Chief “as he was a vegetarian but he seldom lectured anyone else about that. Anyway, collector friends, if you would desire a large Hitler collectable, here it is and I can’t imagine anything more dramatic and historically important as this marvelous find. We are very pleased to and proud to be able to offer this in our Germania pages. The price is really ultra reasonable.  



Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Reich's Chancellery in Berlin


Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Secretary's office in the Reich's Chancellery

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Interior view of the chancellery

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Statue known as the Partei (N.S. Party)

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Another interior view

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Another interior view

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Hitler’s office in the Reich’s Chancellery

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
"RK"spoon (not offered here)

Smaller Serving Platter from the Reich Chancellery (Item CHANCE 1-7)

DESCRIPTION: This is the smaller serving platter similar in nature to the meat platter in the article above except that it is only 11 ½ inches in diameter and round instead of oblong, and it was made by Wellner instead of WMF. Please read the narrative above and there is a lot of information about the “RK” (Reichskanzleramt). Wellner made most of the serving pieces for Hitler and for his Chancellery, but now and then a piece by Würtembergische Metallwarenfabrik (WMF) is found. This piece, though, is by the better-known Wellner firm. Wellner had the later contract for making the culinary implements for the new Chancellery in Berlin. The piece is clearly marked with the Hitler motif Reichsadler (Reich’s Eagle) with R on one side of the wreathed swastika and K on the other side. This is virtually the same as the Adolf Hitler pieces are marked except the marking on the sides of the wreath are “AH.” On the back of this platter is the stamp of the Wellner Co. that is seen above the company’s logo. The condition is fine with the usual minor scratches garnered from much usage. This is the type of platter that would have seen usage as a serving tray for a bottle of wine brought to the table of the Führer’s honored guests or possibly for a decanter and mug for the leader’s favorite hot chocolate and served to him, personally. These serving pieces from the “RK” are extremely scarce today and a very desirable collectible and a good investment indeed!



Reich's Chancellery Serving Plate

Reich's Chancellery Serving Plater
Reich's Chancellery in Berlin


Reich's Chancellery Serving Plate

Reich's Chancellery Serving Plate

Dinner Plate from Hitler’s Reichskanzlei (Reich Chancellery) (Item CHANCE 1-8; Third Reich Tableware 1-8)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a seldom-found item from Hitler’s chancellery in Berlin. It is a formal dinner plate from the serving sets kept there in this absolutely beautiful building (destroyed by the Russians in 1945). The plate is in heavy, white porcelain and measures 9 ½ inches in diameter. Actually, the metal serving pieces like the item above, although extremely rare, show up more often than the ceramic plates because the GI looters preferred the metal pieces since they wouldn’t break like a porcelain plate might. The plate is boldly marked on the outer dimension “KANZLEI DES FÜHRERS” ("Chancellery of the Leader"). On the back there are some company markings that are not clear although they are under the glaze, but what does stand out is the word “Bavaria” and the Bavarian crown. Why “Bavaria” in English? Because the company contracted by the chancellery more than likely was a German company doing business in foreign lands–England and the U.S.A.–in the 1920s and 1930s. This is commonly seen on many German products of the time. A huge percentage of these companies were into export and even items sold domestically were bearing markings in English. The plate is rare and genuine and would make a great addition to any good NSDAP collection. Is there a possibility of the Führer’s having lunch or dinner with his guests or his leadership corps while using this very plate? Well, why not!?

PRICE: $1,500.00


Reich's Chancellery China

Reich's Chancellery China
Notice the chip


Reich's Chancellery China
Manufacturer’s mark

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter
Courtyard of Honor

Reich's Chancellery Silver Serving Platter

Dinner Plate Like the one seen above  (Item CHANCE 1-9)

DESCRIPTION: And like that one, this one is also 9 ½ inches in diameter, but this one has a very noticeable chip at 4:00 at the edge. The GI looter who brought this one and the saucer seen below back in 1945 packed them in his duffel bag rather loosely and thus they both got chipped. Nonetheless, the pieces are very important items that probably were at some point used by the Führer in his Reich Chancellery in Berlin. There is even a bit of romance in these pieces in their worn-torn history. They remain genuine Hitler-related articles and certainly historically important. Here is a chance to own a genuine Hitler-owned item for a fraction of the value of a perfect one such as you see at AH-25-11b.



Reich's Chancellery China

Reich's Chancellery China


Reich's Chancellery China

Reich's Chancellery China
Small chip

Saucer from the Reich Chancellery (Item CHANCE 1-10)

DESCRIPTION: This is a genuine piece of the chinaware that came out of Hitler’s Kanzlei (Chancellery). It is from the same building whence the two pieces that you see above came. I have explained that the GI that looted them did not pack them well in his duffel bag and the pieces got chipped. With this one, the chip is not near as noticeable. It is at about 7:00 on the backside and is almost indistinguishable on the front. The saucer measures 5 ½ inches in diameter and except for the small chip is in excellent condition. This quite display effective and historically important.



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