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N.S. Party Days

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Reichs Party Day


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Party Day

Nürnberg Stadt der Reichparteitage 10 der Schönsten Ansichten (Item PARTEI 3-1)

DESCRIPTION: This is a souvenir postcard accordion-style (folder) Bilderfolge. It consists of 10 joined picture postcards; eight of them being of the old city and two of the Party rally grounds (the Zeppelinfeld and the Kongresshalle). It measures 5 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches. This is a very nice little item from the world-famous showplace of the Bewegung (Movement). This, by the way, is our favorite city in all the world. From Hans Sachs to Adolf Hitler, this city gathers and displays all that it is to be German. The city was 90-percent destroyed by allied bombers in WWII, but like the Phoenix, it rose from the ashes and is once more the gem of Deutschland und ihr habt doch Geseigt! Nazi flags wave in the photos.

PRICE: $125.00


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Book Reichtagung in Nürnberg, 1933 (Item PARTEI 3-2; SPECIAL SALE)

DESCRIPTION: This is another great example of the blue Party Day books. These are so rare and so historically important. It contains beautiful, sharp, clean photography on glossy paper. You are witness as the SA, SS, Labor Corps, Hitler Youth, and the party leaders perform and demonstrate the power and pageantry that made the Parteitag the greatest mass participation ever seen in the sacred old city of Nuremberg, or anywhere in the world. This particular party day was the greatest up to that time in 1933, because it was the first after the NSDAP’s ascension to power because of the successful election of Adolf Hitler to Reichskanzler. The book consists of 263 pages of fantastic pictures and German text. This is the first Reich’s Party Day book that introduces all the NSDAP leaders in full-page, photographic portraits: Hitler, Himmler, Sepp Dietrich, Kurt Daluege, Dr. Ley, Balder von Schirach, Hess, Walter Darré, Frick, Dr. Goebbels, Julius Streicher, Hermann Göring, and many others. Missing, however, are two figures, and they were on pages 159 and 177; they were the high traitors Ernst Röhm and Karl Ernst. They were torn out of the book by whatever patriotic NSDAP supporter who once owned the book. Swastika flags, eagles, the stadiums, the old city, jubilant crowds, zeppelins, and ancient towers all combine to give the perception to the reader of just what it was all about. The book is in fairly fine condition, but the back spine is a bit worse for wear but holding well with all pages intact. It measures 9 x 11 1/2 inches and is almost an inch thick. It's a fascinating archival treasure and they just aren’t around anymore.

PRICE: $400.00; On special sale at $300.00. It is exactly like the sold one shown below.



Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg
Ernst Röhm; Traitor

Book Reichstagung in Nuremberg
Karl Ernst; Traitor

Book Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1933 With the Forbidden Pictures (Item PARTEI 3-2a)

DESCRIPTION: If you have read the narrative above at PARTEI 3-2 then you have seen that we noted that pictures of Ernst Röhm and Karl Ernst were removed (by choice or by decree). Here is the ultimate rarity. The book with both of the men who ultimately would become traitors and all pictures or even the mentioning of them would be considered unpatriotic for a true N.S. Bewegungsglauber to harbor. This edition also has its original dustcover and is in immaculate condition throughout. For further descriptions look at the one we show above, but that one has the Hoch Verräterinnen removed. For anyone who reads German, the whole story of the rise of the NSDAP is there up to the year of Hitler’s meteoric rise to power in 1933. To find this rare volume in this condition is truly rare.



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Reichparteitag Badge, 1933 (Item PARTEI 3-3)

DESCRIPTION: Here is the heaviest badge known as Tag Abzeichen (tinny) that was ever produced. It is the 1933 Party Rally Badge and this was the most important rally of all in the year of ascension to power by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP. It is also in my opinion the finest-designed badge of all the rallies. It depicts in heavy bronze the Nazi eagle and swastika hovering over the old city of Nuremberg and the castle. The badge is in very good shape on its front, but the clasp pin has at one time broken off and had to be resoldered on. The owner wanted to make sure he never lost this souvenir that was precious to him so he really laid that old soldering gun to it and as you can see in the picture it isn’t going anywhere.



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Book Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1934 (Item PARTEI 3-4; GEN 10-14)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the Reichsparteitag (Reich’s Party Days) books. This one was the 1934 edition with a foreword by the man who would become an NS martyr in 1946, Julius Streicher. If you have historical interest in the Third Reich and do not have one of the “big blue rally books” you are severely deprived because here it is! These books and especially this, the 1934 one, lay it all out. Here are the accomplishments of the NS State portrayed quite dramatically. The SS, the SS, RAD, HJ, DAF, the army, the Fraunschaft, Hitler, Göring, Hess, Lutze, Darré, the Gauleiters, Himmler, Goebbels, Bormann; all are pictured in great photographs within. The 110 pages of mostly pictures attend this work: parades, reviews, ceremonies, flags, standards, and sacred places abound. The year 1934 was the second year of the 4-year NS plan and already Germany had recovered from the recent Great War and depression and was on its way to the “Germanic Empire” of greatness personified. The Parteitage gave the German people a feeling of national rebirth. To them the Führer was the savior from economic and social disaster; the unifier of the German populace; the man who was restoring Germany’s honor, and raising the nation again to its proper rank among the European family of nations. This is shown in stark realism in these books. It is a large book measuring 11 1/2 x 9 inches and almost an inches and a half thick. The beautiful cover is in great shape except for some tiny holes that look like nail holes along the edges. Why??? They do not detract from the beauty of the volume at all. This is the ultimate party book that speaks of the Volksgemeinschaft, the national community.



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Booklet Theater der Stadt der Reichsparteitag Nuernberg (Item PARTEI 3-5; ART 11-10)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a 24-page booklet from the Nüremberg Opera House. Opera was a major attraction within the Reich of Culture, and the NSDAP stood firm in its support of this, the highly important pastime. They loved it like so many Americans love rock music and ‘gangsta’ rap. It simply was a different world. In any case, here is the pictorial handout that was prepared as sort of a coming-attractions featuring the stage set-ups and opera stars of the age. Wonderful faces we direct your attention to Klara Klotz, Ise Mannes, and Anny Rieder: Nordic beauties, all. The faces of most of the gentlemen seen here also reflect Aryandom unlike some of them that got out of Germany like Peter Lorre. So Germania presents the Spielzeit (play period) 1941/42 in Nürmberg.



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Serving Pieces from Hitler’s Favorite Hotel, Deutscher Hof (Item PARTEI 3-6; NSD 12-6; AH-17-11)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a group of hotel service ware from none other than the famous Hotel Deutscher Hof in Nuremberg. This was the hotel where Adolf Hitler and all the high party functionaries stayed during the days of the Reichsparteitag, (party rallies) in Nuremberg (Der Stadt der Reichsparteitag). This was the only hotel that the Führer would headquarter himself. Over the years it became known as the official Nazi hotel. In keeping with this, sometime in 1935, the hotel commissary decided that all the tableware that would hitherto be ordered should typically bear the symbol of the NSDAP (the swastika!) and you will see it on all pieces wreathed in oak-leaf design. Some pieces had the name “Der Deutsche Hof,” but all pieces had this swastika in the wreath. The pieces we have are well used, but fully intact. The usage shown is of course a good thing as you can be (proof positive) that these items were used by the high NSDAP leaders, and probably by the Führer, himself. There are four pieces and they were procured in 1948 by an associate of ours, who still lives in Nuremberg. He often dined at the ‘Hof’ and got to be a close friend of the cook and hotel manager. The rest is history. He managed to buy these four pieces and kept them for all these years. Some of these items invariably show up, but are usually the creamers, and coffeepots and teapots. Very seldom does anyone ever see the larger pieces such as the two compotes that are offered with this group. Adolf Hitler liked this location near the Hauptbahnhof (railroad station) and he had a large room on the second floor with windows from which he could review marching units of the SS, SA, HJ, and RAD as they snappily paraded before him prior to the rally. The hotel still exists as of this writing, but will soon be pulled down partially because of the existing problem of Germans flagellating themselves over their past (a past that for the most part has been [composed in [“fantasy”]) by the victors. Oh, well! In any case, here we proudly offer what may be soon the only link with the NS past concerning the proud old Deutscher Hof. I have had many a great meal here in the Rathskeller and twice I have stayed in the (infamous) room (the very room!)

The pieces are as follow:

No. 1: A large dining complete with an opening of 16 inches in diameter. It stands 7 inches high with sturdy handles. You should fill it with great dumplings and sausage! It’s marked with wreathed swastika.

No 2: A small compote with 7-inch-diameter opening. It stands 5 inches high. Great for Rotekraut (red cabbage). Thinking of it makes my mouth water. It’s marked with wreathed swastika.

No 3: An individual teapot or coffeepot (covered) with lid. It’s about 6 inches high; opening is 3 inches. It’s marked “Der Deutsche Hof” and has the wreathed swastika.

No. 4: A small creamer 2 1/2 inches high; opening is 1 1/2 inches with wreathed swastika.

All are marked with the swastika in wreath and the teapot with the actual name of the hotel. This is a practically unique offering and is definitely rare.



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Book Der Kongress zu Nürnberg (Item PARTEI 3-8)

DESCRIPTION: This is a practically new-looking book in incredible shape that is actually from 1934 (72 years old) with immaculate cover and crisp mint-condition pages. It’s a special edition printed under the control and auspices of the NSDAP. It contains 216 pages of text and about 35 pages of brilliant and wonderful photography; probably by the photo genius, Heinrich Hoffmann. The book measures 6 x 9 inches and is a lucidly dramatic record of the greatest of the famous party rallies of the NSDAP.



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Book Reichsparteitag 1938, Grossdeutschland, Zeitgeschichte in Farbe (Item PARTEI 3-9)

DESCRIPTION: This book Reichs Party Rally, 1938, A Chronicle in Color, is a 158-page photo documentary of the Nuremberg Party National Celebration of the NSDAP: its progress, achievements, glory and the testimony of its leaders and its uniformed legions, the gala pageantry, the swastika-decorated streets of the ancient city, the party grounds, the portraits of leaders of state and armed forces all in brilliant Agfa color that was photography far beyond its time in 1938. The exercises, the adoring crowds, the foreign visitors, the SS, the SA, the Wehrmacht, the Führer, all in living, vivid color. Fifty of the beginning pages are in great black-and-white photographs with the explorative text in German, but folded in the front cover are five pages of translation of the picture captions in English. This is so great a book in our estimation that even though new it just had to be included in our offering of Reich’s party rally items.

PRICE: $56.95; and postage


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Tiny Spoon that was a Nuremburg Souvenir (Item PARTEI 3-10; NSD 14-1)

DESCRIPTION: This little aluminum spoon is actually a rarity among Andenken, or souvenirs, of the Reichsparteitag items that were sold at the souvenir stands that were to be found scattered about the grounds and also in the old city itself. For the collector of NS-period spoons this is a tiny, but tremendous find. We have never seen another anywhere in the hundreds of collections we have viewed. It is very petite--4 1/2 inches long. The widest part is an inch wide. Stamped on the back are the words “Aluminium-Germany” with the handcraft symbol of Nuremberg in the center of the words. This is cute, rare, and important to a prewar collection. With it was another Nuremburg souvenir spoon. This one with enameled Nuremburg city arms is included free along with the NS one.



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Portfolio of the Reich Treasures at Nuremberg (Item PARTEI 3-11; ART 14-3)

DESCRIPTION: Die Reichskleinodien (The Reich’s Jewels) is from the collection of an SS-Standarte Oberbayern. In this Bildefolge there are six color plates and 20 black-and-white pictures of the treasures of the Holy Roman Empire or "Germanic Reich," the swords of the 11th century, the orb and mace of the 1300s, the Reich's Cross, the jeweled crown of Karl the Great (Charlemagne), the Kaiser crown of the 10th century, a great painting of Karl, the great Bible from the year 1500, the biblical manuscripts, the sword of Karl the Great, the sword of empire from 1185, the Kaiser mantel, the robes, the ceremonial gloves from Palermo, the great exhibit hall for the display of these priceless relics, and last, but certainly not least, the spear of Longinius: the “Spear of Destiny.” This was the weapon thrust into the side of Jesus Christ by a Roman legionnaire: This dates from the eighth century. The 26 beautiful color images are all there, and so are the 20 black-and-white images; all are remarkably intact. There are also 15 pages of German explanatory text. The portfolio measures 9.5 x 13.5 inches and is in beautiful condition. It was printed during the era of the Third Reich by the Angelsachsen Verlag that had offices in Bremen in Berlin. Inside the front cover some scaredy-cat liberal German crossed out ”Stadt der Reichparteitag Nuremberg;” so frightened was he or she that this beautiful collection once stood in the city of the NS party rallies. After the war the Americans for some odd reason sent the collection to Austria where it is on display in the Vienna Historical Museum. Thank God they didn't get the opportunity to steal it, as happened to the treasures of Quinlinberg. It’s bad enough that the treasures were even manhandled by GIs right after their discovery. At least some intelligent officer stepped in at some point and rescued them from Freddy freeloader and G.I. Joe six-pack. On pages 53 and 54 of his otherwise great, book World War II German War Booty, by Lt. Col. Thomas M. Johnson, he shows the sickening picture of a corn-fed farm boy army lieutenant sitting in a chair with the crown of the holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne on his head, while he holds in his hand a scepter and orb of the Holy Reich. The sword of the Emperor is balanced precariously between his legs. This picture should be destroyed and another copy of it never seen again. This folio is a treasure in itself and, of course, is very rare. It is certainly worthy of inclusion in the archives of a museum collection and it is originally from a library collection; the SA library collection of the SA Sturm 5/31 Standarte Berchtesgaden. This was a subsidiary library of the SS Totenkopf Library of the Standarten Oberbayern, whose main library was purchased at auction and large remnants of that were sold at the Frankfurt, Germany book fair.

PRICE: $550.00


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Nuremberg Party Days Pewter Plate (Item PARTEI 3-12)

DESCRIPTION: Here is one of the famous “Nurnberg Zinn” plates. These were crafted in Nuremberg's old town where Zinn pewter souvenirs are made, even today. This piece must've been in close proximity to heat or a fire because there is some slight bubbling as can be seen in the images. The plate shows the ancient city walls of Nuremberg with the famous castle in the background. The “bringers of peace and culture” bombed this edifice almost to complete destruction in World War II. Around this are the words: “Nürnberg Stadt der Reichparteitag,” translated: “City of the Reich's Party Rallies. Around the outer edges are the symbols that the various party functionaries used: The SS, the SA, the Hitler Youth, the RAD, Fraunshaft, the DAF, the NSFK, the NSKK, and at the top the national insignia, the eagle with swastika. These are getting more and more scarce, and always were considered a prize find in NS relics. It measures about 10 inches in diameter.



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More-RARE Nuremberg Party Days Pewter Plate (Item PARTEI 3-13)

DESCRIPTION: This is an extremely rare souvenir plate with the same description as above, but with a major difference. Most of these pewter plates you see of this are very light in weight and color as they are mostly tin, light and more pliable as the one above. These turn up from time to time. This one is solid like a rock because it’s pewter, alloyed with lead/copper resulting in a heavier plate which tarnishes faster and oxidizes darker to a silver/gray as this one has, making a beautiful patina. It is a smaller plate at 8 inches and weighs a whopping 1 pound 4 ounces. The maker mark is hidden in the bush, but is indiscernible except for the “Z” for “Zinn” designating it as tin. It has all the markings the one above has, but this one was made to last to celebrate the glory days of the Imperium for posterity. It has a small hanger behind the Reichs eagle and is in excellent condition.



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Reich Party Days Souvenir Knife (Item PARTEI 3-14; YOUTH 8-2)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a very rare Hitler Youth-style knife as would be purchased as a souvenir of the rallies at old Nuremberg. They came in two styles: one with stag grip as shown on page 587 of Tom Johnson’s book, German Daggers of World War II. The other is with the black Bakelite grips in the standard HJ style, but without the Hitler Youth diamond or enamel set in the grip and, of course, this knife is smaller than the full-sized HJ Fahrtenmesser. The other difference is that the one in Johnson’s book has no maker, while this one we offer has the clear, distinct mark of the E&F Hörster Co. in Solingen. Over the years the leather retaining strap has shrunk and cannot be closed. Other than that this prodigiously rare little knife is in wonderful condition with a practically mint blade that shows tiny specks of minor surface rust. The felt grommet is still there between the blade and cross guard. The letters are still clear as are the eagle and Nuremberg symbol (crest). The scabbard retains its original paint. All in all this is an extremely rare example of one of the rarest edged weapons of the Third Reich and certainly the most interesting. The length of the knife in its scabbard is 8 1/4 inches; the blade is 4 1/2 inches long. This is just a great little HJ and party rally gem.


Reichparteitag Knives

Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives

Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Puma on blade
Reichparteitag Knives
The issue envelope
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
Reichparteitag Knives
The Fuhrer arrives
Reich Party Days Souvenir Knives (Item PARTEI 3-15 & YOUTH 8-3A)

DESCRIPTION: These little knives are extremely rare but Germania International managed to find a small group of them (unissued) in Solingen where they were made. We had many requests for the ones seen just above but we only had one and could have sold it 10 times over for more than it went for.  It is often the lacking item in major collections. We picked up a small group of them in our last German expedition and they very well could be the last available anywhere.  They are the same basic pattern but these are by the famed firm of Puma in Solingen and although the other one was by E & F Hörster Co. in Solingen these are by Puma.  The major difference is that Puma manufactured them with genuine stag grips instead of black plastic like the Hörster models. Other than that, identical. Also the issue envelopes are provided as well --Incredible!.  Their length is 8 ¼ inches and the blade is 4 ½ inches long; the scabbards retain their original print. Do read the description of the Hörster one listed above and except for the stag grips they are virtually identical except that there is no rust and the leather retaining strap is not shrunk and snaps shut perfectly.  The Nuremberg crest and eagle is clear on the beautiful blade we did have to remove 75 years of Cosmoline from them but they look great now! The Pumas were more costly in their day and considered rarer by collectors than the Hörsters. Remember when those are gone there will probably be no more and possibly ever!


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Please refer to item designator in parentheses in all correspondence.

Please E-mail for any additional information you may need.

If you prefer, contact 'Germania' at PO Box 68, Lakemont, GA 30552
or call at 706.782.1668 or 706.782.4398.

Please! do not call during the wee hours of the morning. The best time for calling us is between 10 am and 12 noon and between 9 and 11 pm eastern time.