Books and Albums
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Please be sure to visit our Kaiser Wilhelm II
Fantastic Two-volume Set of Books on the German Army (Item KBOOKS 3-1)
DESCRIPTION: Das Deutsche Soldatenbuch, The German Soldier Book: Nothing better on this subject exists in the world. There's never been a more complete history in text and pictures of the German Army; that heroic army that has been recognized by friends and enemies as the finest and most noble in the history of warfare. The volumes were published in 1926, so they trace the Deutsche Wehrmacht from the Stone Age up to the actions of the Freikorps fighting against the Communists and Spartacists. It covers the great victory of the Germanic tribes against the legions of Rome into the trench warfare of World War I, Landsknecht and Knights, musketeers and Grenadiers, cavalry and infantrymen, rifles, helmets, flags and standards, artillery, Lancers and Hussars, battles, defenses, invasions, formations, parades, resplendent uniforms, famous leaders, all in black-and-white pictures in sharp contrast and beautiful full-page color prints for the historian interested in the changing uniforms, weapons, etc. This is a very valuable reference. It is most difficult to describe all that you will find here in this massive set of books. The first volume contains 323 pages; the second 392 pages (715 pages chock full of pictures). The books are in wonderful, almost pristine, condition. They measure 11 x 14 inches and together measure two and a half inches thick. Again, we just can't possibly describe anywhere near fully the importance or the scope of these books. They are magnificent!!!. We have shown only a few of the hundreds and hundreds of great pictures. This is it; the very best book on the Deutsche Soldat through the ages.
PRICE: $695.00; absolutely bargain personified!
Book Die Geschichte von General Hindenburg (Item KBOOKS 3-2; WWI 9-15)
DESCRIPTION: This is a really cute little children's book about Germany's WWI hero Paul V. Hindenburg. It contains only 13 full-color illustrations from the military history of this Germany's greatest field marshal. The inside-front cover has some scribbling done undoubtedly by the former owners, who were young children, but thank goodness they did not write on the picture pages. The pictures are as we have said in a word “cute.” This is a really charming little book to be especially displayed in a meaningful collection. The German and the enemy soldiers are depicted as playful little gingerbread-style combatants. This is a rare find and measures 10 x 8.5 inches and is in pretty good condition considering its age, which is probably 1920s or so.
PRICE:  $125.00
Book Deutschland’s Heer und Flotte, Germany’s Army and Navy, by Gustav-a-Sigeland General von Sprecht (Item KBOOKS 3-3; WWI 10-5)
DESCRIPTION: This is a fantastic huge book 14 x 18 inches in size with 180 pages of text in German and English. This number of pages does not count the dozens and dozens of fully illustrated color full-page prints that are breathtakingly beautiful. Copies of this book when they rarely show up are usually in very poor shape and dealers have been known to tear the prints out of the book and frame them individually. These framed prints alone often bring as much as $300 to $400 each because they are after all original (period) pieces. This is the first time we have had one in this fine condition as they are brilliant chromolithographs by G. Arnould in-house Werner artists. This was published in 1899 and the English and German text is published in parallel columns. The cover is in original pictorial blue cloth stamped in gilt, red, blue, white, and black depicting a German soldier and sailor flanking the German eagle crest of the Empire. At this writing we searched the web and found another copy for sale on the website of AntiQbook. A later 1900 edition was being offered for $1,600, but it mentions the joint’s being reinforced by cloth tape plus a short split at the bottom of the upper joint. This is far better than others that have been offered in the past, but still not the shape of this one we offer that is nearly perfect except it has the usual slight distress at the top of the spine binding that occurs when careless fingers tug at this point when removing it from the bookshelf. There has been a slight repair attempted at that point.
PRICE: $950.00
1936 Yearbook of the Kyffhäuserbund (Veterans) (Item KBOOKS 3-4; VETS 2-8)
DESCRIPTION: Here in beautiful condition is the yearly edition of the book published by the official NS veterans’ organization. This is a lavish and beautiful historic presentation that was a source of pride to the ex-warriors of the Reich. The calendar on the first pages traces Germany’s glory from the great battle in the Teutoberger Forest through the medieval knights, the Landsknecht, the peasants’ war, the wars of Prussia’s Frederick the Great, 1870 conflict with France, WWI, etc. The death of the great Marshal von Hindenburg is covered dramatically with his grand and somber funeral, and then there are many fine illustrations and photos on the 144 pages, some, very inspiring. To the serious Germanophile there is a section of the book that is devoted to the Kyffhäuser Denkmal or monument. This is most awe inspiring for those who have visited it like me. While standing for hours looking at this absolutely stupendous edifice I couldn’t help feeling that I had stepped if only momentarily into the glory that was Germany. The artistic stone cutting and bronze statuary is breathtaking and the messages conveyed are unmistakable and poignant. Here is “Deutschlands Gloria.” I could go on and on, but the few who will understand know who they are and what it all means. You can go to various places on the Web and look up “Kyffhauser” and much of the history and pictures will emerge, but my recommendation is to go there, stand there, reflect there, and you will never forget it, especially if you are one of that peculiar race of Germanophiles. George Bush wouldn’t feel a thing!
PRICE: $185.00

Cover in poor condition |

Pictures in fine shape |
Portfolio KGL Bayerische Arme 1805-1825 (KBOOKS 3-5) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a portfolio of beautiful color prints published in the 20’s or 30’s depicting soldiers of Bavaria’s soldiery of the past. It includes 2 sheets of explanation and 12 full color prints ranging in size from 87 inches by 3 ½ to 5 ¼ x 7 ½ (mostly the latter). They are extraordinarily gorgeous and are the finest of glossy illustrated production. The cover is tattered and needs TLC but the prints are in mint condition, every one of them sharp and simply gorgeous.
PRICE: $150.00 |
Her majesty |
As a young girl |
Wilhelm, Auguste Victoria &
children |
Early family portrait |
Later family portrait |
At advanced age |
Das Buch Der Kaiserin Augusta Victoria Printed in 1927 (Item KBOOK 3-6)
DESCRIPTION: The book in German is comprised of 255 pages and except for a small stain on the cover it is in A-1 condition. It is a biography of the Prussian Empress Augusta Victoria of Schleswig Holstein (22 Oct. 1858-11 April 1921). It has several full page brilliant black and white photos depicting various historic vignettes of the life of the Empress from infancy to her marriage to Kaiser Wilhelm who in 1881 was Crown Prince Wilhelm. It covers her life at the Kaiserliche court, her many day by day life experiences as the Empress of one of history’s most loved and hated world leaders. It shows rare pictures of many royal social events of the time to include her death and state funeral. It is fortunate that neither the Kaiser nor his Lady ever saw what the Western Leaders and their Communist Chums did to their beloved land and people. They were good and noble rulers, strongly God fearing and always concerned with the good of the people. The Empress was a particularly kind and gentle woman who bore five fine sons and a beautiful daughter with her devoted husband. This is a particularly rare book and an archival treasure. Measures 8 ½ x 11 ¼ inches and is an inch thick. Historically important! There are many books about the Kaiser but we do not know of any others on this subject.
PRICE: $150.00 |
The enemy |
More enemies |
Downed English pilot |
USA propaganda photo |
English dead |
Victory in Europe |
Book: Eine Ganze Welt Gegen Uns (The Whole World Against Us) (Item KBOOK 3-7 & WEHR 32-4) |
DESCRIPTION: This is an extremely rare book comprised of 287 pages of the most compelling photos ever recorded in Germany’s history. It is essentially an anti-war book that shows the German Nations bravado and quest of glory in World War One (the War to end all wars!) and traces the path to ignominious defeat. Front line soldiers, tanks, airplanes, artillery. The enemy forces from France, Britain, USA, Russia, and corpses, many corpses. War at its ugliest on land, sea and in the air. The book holds one spellbound page after page. Hundreds of graphic photos (clear and photographically refined). It was published in 1934 the second year of Hitler’s ascension to power. Yes, it was anti-war contrary to the tales of the Nazis being a party that desired war. Yes, there was censorship in Germany in those years and no book could have been published that would belittle the Fatherland or its most celebrated hero of the great conflict, but this book honors the soldiers and the nation and is basically a volume dedicated to the premise that there should be no more ‘brother wars’. Hitler and Germany had experienced enough of this bloodletting and wanted peace with the nations. This is a fact that is at variance with the orthodox popular view as supplanted in the minds of gullible people. Revision is bringing history to the truth. I wish we could show every picture in this amazing book but space does not allow it but please believe me when I say that there are many photo masterpieces in the hundreds of pictures found on these pages. As the (neo-con imperialists in the U. S. now push along on their dangerous paths of Imperialism and beget the hatred of much of the world population our watchword might well be “Eine Ganze Welt Gegen Uns”. The book is in fine condition with a few little scratches on the cover probably the most historically important book on the war ever offered.
PRICE: $280.00 Expensive? Absolutely NOT! Rare and most sought after |
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